Alternative a Google Chrome

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Alternatives to Google Chrome

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If you've arrived here, it's likely that you're fed up with Google and are looking for some alternatives to Google Chrome. We already have talked about Google and the doubts we have about how he treats ours privacy. One of the reasons that may have pushed you here is that by now the craving for RAM of Chrome has even become a memes. Maybe it's no coincidence Google Chrome, after literally destroying the competition, lately slightly losing ground.

Why look for alternatives to Google Chrome?

But let's remember that it's not the only good reason to abandon Google Chrome. Unfortunately as you can imagine Google tracks in detail everything you do and if you had the bad idea of logging in with yours Google accounts he knows almost everything about you. Do you want an example? Go to this address log in with your account Google principal. Impressive True?

We also suggest reading this beautiful comic: Contra Chrome (here is also our article about). It explains to you in detail why you should definitely stay away from Google Chrome. It's a simple and not too long read that we recommend to anyone.

Our digital footprint

Before moving on, we also suggest something important: do not save passwords within Google Chrome. In this article Let's try to explain why.

Also remember to read the our guide on alternatives to Google search and in general all our articles on alternatives to Google so that we are truly protected!

We will try to make your browsing a little safer with these alternatives to Google Chrome, certainly not perfect also because the Fingerprinting it is always lurking and almost impossible to avoid unless using methods pro which however we do not generally recommend to those approaching this world for the first time.

Some curiosities about privacy

If we haven't convinced you yet, let us introduce you some online games that they can help to understand, without going into boring technical explanations, what are the potential of Trackers and advertisements on the sites you visit:

  • this site (in English) shows you how ironic and funny how many things can be learned about you while browsing a site. Try playing with it a bit!
  • Privacy Chicken – Game This game from the Privacy Project explains in a simple way how privacy works. Winning at this game is really simple: just give away all your data.

Alternatives to Google Chrome

Have we managed to arouse your curiosity a little? This guide wants to help you choose real ones alternatives to Google Chrome, the list will be divided into two different parts: desktop And mobile.

Quick summary: on desktop it is recommended Firefox but you will have to install at least one or two extensions and tweak some settings. Alternatively Brave it is probably the best choice for the average user who is unwilling or unable to install extensions as there is no need to change any settings to improve privacy.


Mozilla Firefox

Open source
uses a different engine than Google Chrome
the community is very important and it is maintained by a non-profit 1
the first financier is Google which, thanks to millionaire agreements, remains as Search engine default 2

Mozilla Firefox it is certainly the first Browsers that comes to mind to those who decide to find some alternatives to Google Chrome on your computer. It is in fact an excellent idea even if Firefox, basically, still has some shortcomings. All easily circumvented by slightly changing the options.

The extensions of Firefox

We have decided to have only one item dedicated to extensions and modifications on Firefox to prevent too many items from remaining old and unmaintained. You can find more information on the extensions and any changes to be made to Firefox by clicking here.

Using all these settings, navigation will certainly be faster but a little more cumbersome. However, you have a good chance of not being followed by tracers various.


Open source
uses the same engine as Google Chrome
It is developed by a private company
they created their own cryptocurrency with which to finance themselves (BAT)
allows you to earn BAT to donate to authors and websites
optimal protection without having to add any extensions
native machine translation
allows you to use the Tor network

Brave it's a Browsers Open source really special. It is project based Chromium (from which, as you can imagine, it derives Google Chrome). His Search engine default currently is Brave Search. Why do we say particular? Because actually Brave would like to change the world of Browsers and of advertising. It already has a partial blocking of adverts and gods tracers. His plans for the future are to, in short, have licensed advertising without invading the privacy of its users with even a revenue sharing program (i.e. they would like to pay you to see the ads). The project is therefore interesting and worth following Browsers it's fast and safe enough even by default without any major adjustments. If we have convinced you you can download it on

Brave It doesn't have containers like Firefox, but you can doCreate new profile” in the settings. That profile will be completely separate from the main one, even the Fingerprinting it will be because Brave in this he is very careful about this and randomizes it every time. You could create an ad hoc profile for each site or use a daily one and one where you log in to all the various sites.

The project Chromium unfortunately it is Google And contains tracers And continuous calls to Google servers. Brave should have eliminated them all and, when needed, has them turn around using its servers 3.
It is generally recommended to use Mozilla Firefox with the right configurations and extensions especially for those who are a little expert. But don't be discouraged, it's an excellent compromise and if you like it system Chromium Surely Brave it's the option for you. Here you will also find our review.


Open source
uses a different engine than Google Chrome
developed by the community
optimal protection without having to add any extensions
occasionally updates may be delayed

LibreWolf it is in fact a Fork (things?) Of Firefox from which the telemetry has been removed, is pre-installed uBlock Origin to block ads and comes out with a well-calibrated set of settings that protect your privacy without breaking too many sites. For now the updates are frequent though for Windows they are not automatic. However, all you need to do is download this extension and you can receive them without too many problems. Alternatively, if you rightly don't want extra extensions, you can download LibreWolf WinUpdater which will attempt to automate the LibreWolf update. Last choice on Windows you can install it via the Windows Store to always have it updated without problems.

There synchronization with the Mozilla account it must be activated and should work without any problem

It's a version really resistant of Firefox and therefore some sites may still break there. In the vast majority of cases just go to Settings/LibreWolf (about:preferences#librewolf) and turn off resistance Fingerprinting but you will be, as you may have already guessed, less protected from Fingerprinting that is, it will be more possible to track your profile even without it Cookies.

As suggested by LibreWolf itself, if you are forced to deactivate it, it is a good idea to install it this extension (and then disable it on the sites you need). The fact that updates are not yet automatic on Windows can be less than user-friendly for less experienced users.


uses the same engine as Google Chrome
It is developed by a private company
It has tons of customization like calendar and feed RSS included
native machine translation

Vivaldi has a relatively recent history (born in 2015) and comes to light as Browsers of protest towards Opera. In fact, in 2015 Opera changes rendering engine and passes by Soon to the engine Blink. This step was not at all painless and many features of the Browsers Opera have been eliminated. It was thus founded Vivaldi, a Browsers with many possibilities for customization (disappeared in Opera) and one decent privacy protection. If you are tired of the few features of Google Chrome And Mozilla Firefox It doesn't drive you crazy, give the good one a chance Vivaldi. You might not regret it! More from version 3.0 will protect you thanks to DuckDuckGo Radar, great news for privacy and security!

It's a good one Browsers And updated weekly. But since it is little used there is a bit of a risk that some sites are not optimized very well. We we recommend you try it, it could be love at first sight and in case some site breaks you can always open it with Mozilla Firefox.

Mullvad Browser

may be difficult to use as Browsers daily because it does not maintain login
does not have Firefox Sync
developed by Tor and Mullvad

In short Mullvad Browsers it's a sort of Tor Browsers which does not browse the Tor network. It does not allow you to use Firefox Sync simply and it is absolutely not recommended to add new extensions. Both uBlock Origin and NoScript are already pre-installed. It is developed and maintained by the Mullvad team in collaboration with the Tor team Browsers 4.

You can also choose between three different security modes: standard, safe, safest. Depending on this choice, more or fewer sites will break: take this into account. Currently it is not possible to maintain any login because you will always browse in incognito mode.

It is certainly an excellent choice, if not the best, if it is acceptable for you to browse without synchronizations, without adding further extensions and without the possibility of maintaining active logins.


some extra features

It is a version of Firefox with some improvements dedicated to privacy. For example, telemetry is turned off by default and restrictive protection is set as default. DNS over Oblivious HTTP managed by Fastly are automatically enabled 5.

The Search engine the default is Bing (from which they probably take commissions based on use) while in the private tabs it is preset Startpage.

They also recently released their Android version on Play Store.

It's not a bad thing Browsers but it is not even focused on privacy and security and in our opinion they are there Browsers based on Firefox definitely safer and more fit for purpose as LibreWolf on desktop and Mull on Android.

Ungoogled Chromium

uses the same engine as Google Chrome
developed by the community
no type of block present natively

If you are a lover of Browsers based on Chromium you could try using Ungoogled Chromium. As you may have guessed, this is a version of Google Chrome from which all references to Google servers have been eliminated. It's a Browsers simple and without any extension installed, nor any active blocking.

There are different types, we recommend the one developed by Woolyss.


Open source
uses a different engine than Google Chrome
developed by the community
good (but not perfect) protection
not many extensions can be installed

After one report received on Mastodon let's include this too Browsers for those who want to try something totally different from the previous ones. We haven't tested it thoroughly yet but based on the little use it has made so far it seems promising especially in lightness And in speed. Web Browsers Italy ensures that they can be held lots of open tabs without suffering any slowdown. It's a project Open source and contains the block of tracers And of advertisements! It's cross-platform, but Not is available on Android.

It's a Browsers very different from the others and takes some getting used to. Furthermore, there is no possibility to add extensions beyond the pre-installed ones which for now are for i password manager Bitwarden And 1Password. It is therefore limited but it seems to do its job well.

Tor Browser

Open source
uses a different engine than Google Chrome
maintained by a non-profit
optimal protection without having to add any extensions
great for anonymity
very slow network and browsing
some sites may not work properly
allows you to use the Tor network

We couldn't end this list with Browsers anonymous for excellence. We don't want to analyze the Tor project nor explain in detail what happens, how it happens and why (we did it here, if you are interested). Just know that by browsing with Tor Browsers you are almost invisible and it is very difficult to trace you back. The recommendations to avoid leaving excessive traces are: never use Tor behind a VPN and not to touch anything of its settings. You are also anonymous because all the Browsers used must be identical to each other. Don't listen to those who tell you that it is only used for illegal activities: it is used to remain anonymous, It is therefore also and above all useful for those who live in places where freedom of expression is a utopia. Click here for our guide on Tor Browsers.

There Tor network it's slow, very slow. The project is exceptional and guarantees anonymity. It is not recommended for daily use both because in some way you could potentially be "reported" as a regular user of Tor (the providers they know that you are using the Tor network, they cannot know what you are looking at) and therefore you may have more eyes on you. But these are mainly paranoia, the main reason why it is not recommended is its inevitable slowness.

The others Browsers, all the alternatives to Google Chrome

There are others Browsers worthy of being told how alternatives to Google Chrome but which for various reasons we do not find as interesting as the ones above.

  • Midori And Floorp there are two Browsers who are collaborating together on a version of Firefox with what they say is an improved user experience. They therefore have some unique features that Firefox does not have but they are not particularly privacy-focused designs. It's both Open source and are based on the latest ESR version of Firefox therefore without the latest Mozilla updates. There is also an Android version of Midori available on Play Store (the version above F-Droid it's years old).
  • It's a Fork of Firefox which has tons of extra features. It is not particularly privacy-friendly (for example, automatic translation by Google or Yandex is offered). As well as Mullvad Browsers it is based on the latest ESR version of Firefox so it will not have the latest updates of Firefox unlike Librewolf. Try giving it a look to see if any of the features can be useful to you or not.
  • Opera, excellent alternative up to a few years even has one Built-in VPN. The new versions however are based on Chromium. Born as Browsers Norwegian but recently it was sold to a Chinese consortium with the name of "Golden Brick Capital Private Equity Fund I Limited Partnership" For 600 million dollars. In short, we no longer trust them, rather we use them Vivaldi!


We decided to dedicate slightly less space to smartphones because we believe that using a Browsers simple without excessive customization is maximum usability. But above all, most of the Browsers suggestions are also present in the desktop version so we don't even want to repeat ourselves excessively.


Firefox is as always the first suggestion: it's almost perfect. From the settings you can decide whether to delete all navigation when exiting the Browsers (a choice we recommend). The whole package is there anti-tracking protection of Firefox for desktop and you can set a Search engine personalized. There are still some flaws but it remains our first piece of advice! You can also install uBlock Origin, a highly recommended choice.

As an alternative to Firefox you can choose Fennec F-Droid, a Firefox with all the features of Original Firefox but from whom all references to Mozilla are removed;

Mull is perhaps the perfect alternative: it not only removes Mozilla telemetry but uses Mozilla's preferences Arkenfox-user.js and other security measures Tor project. However, some sites may break, so keep this in mind!

Still within Firefox you can also try Firefox Focus which will allow you to always browse incognito so perfect if you are not interested in bookmarks, synchronization or anything else.


Brave Browsers is also available for Android. If you are used to using it, it is an excellent alternative to Firefox and Google Chrome.

DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser

Alternatively we advise you DuckDuckGo Privacy Browsers (also available on F-Droid), anonymous and fast. It's a project Open source 6 and is always full of interesting updates. One was added recently VPN to block i tracers and the possibility of use as your email alias. If already use DuckDuckGo as Search engine then it is the perfect choice. You can also read the our article.

Privacy Browser

We also recommend the use of Privacy Browsers, a nice surprise that you can find on F-Droid It is on Play Store. A Browsers fast but above all really complete when it comes to privacy, lots of customizations to choose what to block and what not. Here you will find our review.


With Bromite's passing came his Fork called Chromite. It has several interesting features and it is definitely a good alternative if you are looking for a Browsers based on Chromium.

Tor Browser

Of course it also exists Tor Browsers for Android, practical and totally respects the privacy of those who use it.

Kiwi Browser

Kiwi Browsers it's a decent one Browsers For Android, with its advantages and some defects.

An undoubted advantage is that allows the installation of extensions, a truly rare quality in Browsers based on Chromium. It also supports the Night Mode and allows you to have the navigation bar at the bottom instead of at the top, very convenient for very large smartphones that are difficult to hold in the hand.

Kiwi Browsers it also has a good AdBlock integrated, but deactivated by default. So if you want to eliminate ads go to Settings Ads and activate it.

  • Citation needed: It also exists Vanadium, a great Browsers usable only on the operating system GrapheneOS. It can also be used on other smartphones but is only for experts 7.


Also for Apple we decided to create a small list, essentiality and privacy first of all:


Also in this case as first Browsers we suggest Firefox. AND Firefox and this is already a certainty, they can block cookies e tracers and you can delete the entire session in a simple and quick tap! Firefox Focus seems to work better for iOS of the Android version. It is fast and very easy to use.


Brave Browsers it is also available on iOS, if you like it, use it as it is a good alternative Open source 8.

DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser

Just as for Android we also recommend the use of DuckDuckGo Privacy Browsers, essential and within everyone's reach.

Onion Browser

Also on iOS there is a version available Open source to navigate on Tor network, called Onion Browsers.

  1. Mozilla Foundation[]
  2. Google Is Paying Mozilla $450M Per Year To Be The Default Search Engine On Firefox[]
  3. Deviations from Chromium (features we disable or remove[]
  4. We've Teamed Up With Mullvad VPN to Launch the Mullvad Browsers[]
  5. Waterfox in Partnership with Fastly[]
  6. DuckDuckGo on GitHub[]
  7. Checking out and building Chromium for Android[]
  8. Brave on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives