Alternative a Google Traduttore

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Alternatives to Google Translate

This post was last updated by 5 months does

This is a text automatically translated from Italian. If you appreciate our work and if you like reading it in your language, consider a donation to allow us to continue doing it and improving it.

You are looking alternatives to Google Translate? Google translator as all Google services, keeps track of everything you ask and everything you search for. If you then translated something while you were logged in with the your Google account will have kept track of everything you searched for. Without any distinction between any private conversations, translations for work or love translations. That's all strictly marked And catalogued to be able to be reused for (or against) you. Check out for yourself how much Google knows about you through this link: If you are interested you could also take a look at our alternatives to Google Photos, to Google Messages (with encrypted text messages!) e alternatives to Google Alerts.

Privacy, first of all also for alternatives to Google Translate

Once you become aware of how much Google knows about us perhaps the time has come to find some real ones alternatives to Google Translate as we don't want all our talk and research to come sold to the first advertising company nor that they are reused for their research purposes without us understanding and knowing exactly how and to what extent our speeches are saved.

Also in this case, as for the alternatives to Youtube and the Google searches remember that if you really want to use one of the Google services as they work better in your specific case, try to do it in the right way totally anonymous with Firefox and using the containers tab. In this way your search will remain closed within the tab e you will not be tracked, followed or profiled.

But I'm always anonymous online, what do I do with alternatives to Google Translate?

If we haven't convinced you yet, let us introduce you some online games that they can help to understand, without going into boring technical explanations, what are the potential of Trackers and advertisements on the sites you visit:

  • this site (in English) shows you how ironic and funny how many things can be learned about you while browsing a site. Try playing with it a bit!
  • Privacy Chicken – Game This game from the Privacy Project explains in a simple way how privacy works. Winning at this game is really simple: just give away all your data.

Here are our alternatives to Google Translate

DeepL Translator

servers in Europe

Let's start this list with what is probably the best translator alternative to Google Translate! DeepL it is a system based on artificial intelligence, the servers are in Finland and the company being German has one good data protection, as European laws are among the more restrictive And respectful of privacy. Give it a chance because it can be translated into many languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish And Russian. If you have a translator document you can also attach it translate it automatically.

Not all languages are present as in Google translator but the ones present are certainly the most used. There translation is good but the free version analyzes the texts sent to train the algorithm. In the paid version, however, this does not happen and the texts are deleted immediately.

Mate Translate

uses other search engines (anonymously) for translations

Mate Translate is an application from the German company Gikken. Unfortunately the project it is not Open source but theirs privacy policy It's pretty decent. Furthermore they do not use Facebook or Google Analytics. The actual app exists only for iOS And macOS. However, there are some very interesting ones extensions for all Browsers: Firefox, Chrome/Brave, Opera and Edge. The application is is free that a payment. With the free version you can too translate an entire page with one click or words simply by clicking on it. In our opinion it is a good tablet alternative to Google Translate especially for use via the web.

We asked them what they use for translations, they replied that they use a mix of their database, various dictionaries but also Google And Microsoft. But they try to do it without passing information on to Google or anyone else 1.

Firefox Translations

Open source
works offline

Official Mozilla extension for translations. It therefore works exclusively on Browsers Firefox. One of the most interesting features is the fact that it works exclusively offline. Only at the beginning will a set of languages be downloaded for translation. Currently, as regards Italian, there is only a translation from English and vice versa.


Open source

Tatoeba is, to quote their motivational phrase, “a collection of phrases and translations“. Unlike other more or literal translators, Tatoeba it's a database totally free and open source of sentences and translations. Write the word or phrase you want to translate e Tatoeba will return all sentences containing those words with the desired translations. The name Tatoeba (what does it mean for example in Japanese) encompasses this concept.

There are no particular contraindications with this service. AND free, And open source and it works quite well. So try it and if it's for you, keep using it!


Open source

A brand new project, LibreTranslate it's a project entirely Open source 2 which allows simultaneous online translations using the engine Argos Translate. It seems like a turning point to us given that it was released under license AGPLv3 and therefore anyone will be able to create their own site using this system. We therefore hope to see many more such as these born shortly
Framasoft immediately did so 3 a Fork eliminating third-party dependencies, you can find it at

One of the best applications on smartphones to use LibreTranslate is undoubtedly Translate You available on F-Droid.


Open source

Also Apertium it's a project open source And free and it can be a good candidate to be an alternative to Google translator. Unlike other translators who generally translate all languages with any other language, Apertium specializes in translating only certain languages with each other. You can see on their page Wiki which languages are supported and decide for yourself whether it is the right translator for you or not.

It only has support for some languages and not for all, unfortunately this element does not work too much in its favor unless we need to always translate one type of language with another.


Open source

If you need an application for offline translations then QuickDec it could really be for you. It is in fact a completely dictionary Open source 4 offline installable through F-Droid or if you prefer it can also be found on Google Play. It's really well made and contains many languages including Italian-Japanese, Italian French or Italian-Greek. Besides of course Italian English. It can therefore be suitable for many situations. Once installed also on most Browsers By selecting a word, the menu will appear to translate it immediately with QuickDic!

Microsoft Translator

As you can imagine, Microsoft Translator he is certainly not a translator open source. However, in recent years Microsoft has made some (very little in reality) more effort than Google as for the privacy protection, it's a excellent translator and it seemed unfair to keep it completely off the list. If all the others alternatives to Google Translate you don't really like them, you could also give them a chance Microsoft.
This is because we think that if it is really necessary to use the service of a large company at least we differentiate and separate our data a little without giving everything to just one company for free. So leave it as the last (or almost) last option available!

It's a good one alternative to Google Translate but it's from Microsoft, a company that doesn't take things too lightly when it comes to privacy and data protection.

Alternative front ends for Google Translate

Lingva Translate

Open source

Thanks to one your report on the group Telegram we present to you the first front-end Open source 5 alternative for Google Translate! In the wake of Nitter, Invidious And other similar projects thanks to Lingva Translate you can use Google translator without going to his site and without making direct connections to Google! Find the first one Instance usable here: Lingva Translate hoping that more will arrive soon!

SimplyTranslate Mobile

Open source

We also add SimplyTranslate Mobile, always thanks to one your report on Telegram. It is another alternative front end for Google translator that is, a method for using the Google dictionary without making direct connections to Google. And it is, of course, Open source 6. You can find it on F-Droid.

💡 IDEA! 💡

You don't like these alternatives and you can't help it to use a Google service (or similar)? Then maybe you can think about installing applications inside Shelter, an app that isolates any other application by creating a work profile on your Android. Alternatively you can think of do not use the apps but to log in via the Browsers when it is possible. If you really want greater security you can dedicate a Browsers dedicated this way you will give them fewer permissions than installing the app.

  1. Mate Translate Privacy Policy[]
  2. LibreTranslate on GitHub[]
  3. Fork by LibreTranslate[]
  4. QuickDic on GitHub[]
  5. source code by Lingva Translate[]
  6. SimplyTranslate Mobile on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives