Track this.

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Track this.

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Track this it's a project created by Firefox in June 2019. It is a site that allows you to create an online alter ego among the four available: Hypebeast, Filthy Rich, Doomsday And Influencers. But what does Firefox intend to do with this project? And why would you want to create an online alter ego?

Track this, between the serious and the facetious

Track This it's some sort of joke/project to evade and confuse the various Cookies And Trackers advertisers. Have you ever felt like you were being spied on on the internet? Perhaps because this is often the case. We are not talking about secret services or various conspiracy theories, but simple ones Cookies and of tracers intersite. Don't be scared by strange names, inter-site cookies are nothing more than cookies from a site other than the one you are looking at.

Online advertising

In fact, many online advertisements use this system to track everything we do online. This is why we constantly feel spied on: I really know advertisers what we do, what sites we went to and how long we were there. For many people this is not a problem, others however are not clear what all this means and basically believe that nothing can be done about it is that everything is normal.

This project of Firefox called Track This really wants to help those who aren't clear on how much they actually follow online. That's why he wants it transform yourself in an alter ego. To do it it will automatically open over 100 tabs on yours Browsers of all the sites your alter ego would follow. After all these tabs have opened you can close them and navigate as if nothing had happened. This is how you will fool the advertisers and get the computer invaded by Cookies that in reality they don't belong to you.


When you choose an alter ego and press on TRACK THIS you 100+ tabs will open on yours Browsers. Don't be scared and be prepared, for example you may want to save all your work because 100+ tabs can also cause some temporary slowdown problems.

After activating them you can close yours Browsers and continue doing what you were doing and based on the profile you had previously chosen for a few days you will see advertisements referring to your alter ego!

Track This, the game to deceive advertisements

This is what it wants to be just a game to make people understand the importance of privacy and how effectively we are tracked. If all this somehow caught you off guard And it scared you you can switch to a Browsers who is on your side from the beginning, such as Firefox.

In fact, Firefox has an automatic system inside anti-tracking protection, both for advertising cookies and for social media cookies.


Track this.

What do you think? Have you tried doing this test perhaps with a Browsers that you never use just to see what effect does it have be a influencers?

If you are interested in these practical examples for understand privacy easily without boring words or strange technicalities we advise you to follow the tag that we have created specifically called, precisely, practical examples.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives