Risolvi puzzle per la scienza

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Solve puzzles for science

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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We want to go slightly outside our main topic, privacy, to talk about two topics that, as you can imagine, are still close to our hearts: technology and science. First of all, what do we want to say with the phrase solve puzzles for science? Since we are not used to clickbait, we want to say exactly what we wrote!

Solve puzzles for science

Watch the project presentation video:

Foldit is a game that can be installed on Windows, on Mac come on Linux. It is obviously a free game that was not made to earn money. The interesting thing is that by solving the fun puzzles that will be shown to you you will make a contribution to science and research. Your skill will help researchers to find antivirals to defeat the coronavirus.

Installing the game is a snap, you can find it on the site fold.it. After downloading all the updates you can sign up to play online. Follow the few simple instructions and start the game!

The Folding@home project

You still want to help science in some way to find antivirals for the coronavirus but you don't have time to play? Then the project Folding@home this is the one for you!

Folding@home it is in fact a program that you can install on your computer will run operations in the background to help find a remedy for Covid-19. We would like to point out that the application unfortunately the application it is not Open source even if the project is known and seems safe.

In short, in these days where many of us are forced to stay at home to work or watch our children these could be gods intelligent methods For help the research to finally find an effective solution to the coronavirus.

Solve puzzles for science and folding@home

If you like you can follow all our updates on our Telegram channel at t.me/lealternative or visit our section news.

Special thanks to the subreddit r/ItalyInformatica where we found all the information for these projects.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives