Come guardare Pornhub Premium in privato

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How to watch Pornhub Premium privately

This post was last updated by 2 years does

This is a text automatically translated from Italian. If you appreciate our work and if you like reading it in your language, consider a donation to allow us to continue doing it and improving it.

AND news from a few days ago: Pornhub has decided to donate all March proceeds from the Modelhub platform to Italy to help us during this emergency. Furthermore, throughout the month of March, you can register for free And without leaving your credit card at the service Premium. But how to watch Pornhub Premium privately?

We really like the initiative, and it joins the hundreds of digital solidarity initiatives present on the platform created ad hoc by the Italian Government: For obvious reasons Pornhub does not appear in this list but they too have chosen in some way to help us and make your free time in quarantine pass a little faster.

Why watch Pornhub Premium privately?

We decided to create this article because, although the initiative is commendable, we would like to tell you to be a little careful when using Pornhub.

First thing: Pornhub uses Google Analytics to collect usage statistics (although there are professional alternatives that are much more respectful of privacy, such as Matomo). We have already talked about the Fingerprinting and how much it is easy for a company to know exactly who you are, even in anonymous mode (if you want to learn more, read our article Be anonymous online?). The use of Google Analytics already makes us turn up our noses a bit so, also feeding Google our sexual tastes it seems like too much.

The second thing what stands out is that Pornhub is part of the company Mindgeek. Mindgeek pretty much owns it all the most famous porn sites online. They are his Youporn, Tube8, XTube, Redtube, Brazzers and so on. According to Wikipedia in 2013 he owned the 80% of online porn. In short, as you know We don't like monopolies. If they can also triangulate with Google Analytics and with sexual tastes through all the various porn sites they own, we're sorry but it's starting to get a little more disturbing.

If you already have this scares or it makes you quite angry, our suggestion is also to read our article on alternatives to Pornhub!

How to watch Pornhub Premium privately?

Ok so the digital solidarity And great Pornhub Premium for the entire month of March but we have safe sex, even online. We therefore suggest some methods to register and we will also see how to watch Pornhub Premium privately.

Pornhub Premium Membership

Since a credit card is not required for this period you may want to use a temporary email. There are many sites that offer it as, or you could even use a more comprehensive service like This way you can sign up without giving the email you use everywhere (and maybe it's name.surname).

How to watch Pornhub Premium privately

You can choose different methods, we propose them from the simplest and least invasive to the most complex.

Our advice is to use it anyway always a VPN (what is a VPN for?), it takes you a second to activate it and there are some free ones (like ProtonVPN which it recently became everywhere Open source) really good and fast. The VPN will allow you to hide your IP address and of hide what you do from your provider. This already seems like a good start to us.


We put Brave first for its simplicity. In fact, with Brave, without having to touch any settings, you will already have the ad blocker he was born in tracking. Going up Pornhub you will see in fact 8 tracking blocked. Beyond Analytics also several advertisements that they might then follow you and analyze your web traffic even outside of Pornhub. You can find it on the site


If you are gods geeks (pun intended) Firefox is instead the best choice. Basically, in fact it will only block Google Analytics. Let's install some extensions as: uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger and something that erases you Cookies automatically like Cookies AutoDelete (or you could use i Temporary Containers, which we like so much) to be a little more anonymous. Firefox instead you download it from

On Android or up iOS instead the simplest method is probably the Browsers DuckDuckGo. In fact, with a quick click you will delete all history, data and Cookies of your navigation. Plus you will be protected thanks to their blocking of tracking systems.

How to watch Pornhub Premium privately, in a nutshell

So to recap.
Before chip, open ProtonVPN and connect to a server also free. Open Firefox with the right settings or simply Brave as it is installed. It's all really simple and quick (the settings, we won't comment on the rest!) but it will help you have a little more protected online sex. We don't judge those who want to wear even a possible one webcam cover. If you use the front camera little or not at all (or the laptop's webcam) it may even make sense, it is cheap And it doesn't bother you.


If you really want to exaggerate and you don't feel safe you may want to use Tor. In this case it is Using a VPN is generally not recommended. Simply download the Browsers Tor for one of your devices (there is for everyone, for iOS there is Onion Browsers). It's important do not touch any settings And don't be behind VPN.
Open Tor as you find it, go to Pornhub Premium and then close everything. If it were not that the Tor network is very slow and the quicker and safer solution. There's one of ours too guide on Tor, if you are interested. By the way, don't pretend you don't know him since in Italy it is very used! 😀

Conclusions and an initiative

We hope we have convinced you. If you want you can also participate in an (Italian) initiative on data tracking of large companies such as Pornhub. In this case you will consciously decide to send anonymous data to study Pornhub's algorithms: A "call to arms" is made (you will find the first one here) where they analyze the data received. The next test it will be done on March 30th, if you want mark it on your calendar and participate it is very useful to learn more about BigData. The same analyzes are also done for Facebook and for Youtube.

If you have Telegram you can follow us on our channel: If you are interested to other practical examples like this we have a dedicated tag: practical examples.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives