Alternative ai DNS di Google

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Alternatives to Google DNS

This post was last updated by 8 months does

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Having to talk today about a very technical topic like i DNS, we will try to do it in the simplest way possible. From 2012 Google offers a Public DNS service usable by anyone with IP addresses And Today we will go in search of alternatives to Google DNS!

But what are DNS? And why should I look for alternatives to Google DNS?

Let's try to explain it in very simple and not boring words. Meanwhile, even if you don't know what they are, know that you are using them because without you wouldn't be able to navigate like you do every day. We take Wikileaks and we quote: “a DNS server is nothing more than a telephone directory that helps your computer find the address of the site you want to visit“. It seems clear enough to us, right? Thanks to DNS you know the street and house number of the site you want to visit, so from find it immediately without problems.

Alternatives to Google DNS and Privacy

What do DNS have to do with privacy? By using Google's DNS you authorize them to know in detail all the sites you visit as, according to theirs privacy policy, will keep both temporary logs and permanent of everything you do on the web using their DNS. If we add this valuable information to the fact that maybe you are still using Gmail, Chrome And Google Maps you can well understand that probably Google it knows you better than you can even imagine.

Alternatives to Google DNS

There's no reason to think they're clearly using it fraudulently, but we are thoughtful and we still want to go looking for alternatives to Google DNS. However, please remember: by replacing Google's DNS you will not be safe from prying eyes. Your provider, for example, knows in detail the traffic you send, even if you change the DNS.

If you are interested in avoiding this too you can use one VPN. We highly recommend that of ProtonVPN (we have already known ProtonMail). It's free in a limited version and costs money a few euros a month in the Premium version. Or you can use Tor Browsers. If you are interested, we leave you the links to learn more about VPN come on Tor Browsers.

Another reason that could push us not to use excessively mainstream DNS is the risk of censorship. Every now and then you hear something absurdity like when the FIEG he wanted block Telegram. But What if a similar resolution were actually passed? Certainly they wouldn't shut down Telegram as a society, the most they could achieve a block at the DNS level by the various Italian providers. This is where it could be useful to know what they are, how they change and what alternatives we have 🙂

If you are on Android you can use Blokada RethinkDNS, DNS66 or personalDNSfilter to easily change different DNS and, at the same time, also block advertisements. Blokada is always a valid alternative but recently some have been added anti-characteristics as with telemetry (usage statistics) 1. So unless you are particularly fond of it you can think about using one of the many alternatives mentioned above.

Ours will be a selection of our favorite ones, come on Privacy Tools come on Privacy Guides you can find a nice, very detailed list with many other servers.

Alternatives to Google DNS: how do I change DNS?

Generally it is very simple but it depends on which device you are on. If from the PC, if from the Mac, if from a iPhone or if from an Android. This is not intended to be a guide to doing it because many have already done it several times before us: Click here to search online for one guide to change DNS.


The first alternative we want to propose to you is AdGuard. It is a Cypriot company that has existed for over 10 years. In addition to having a good privacy policy promises very interesting things. Using theirs DNS, in fact, you will also have a ad blocker intrusive e you will protect yours too computer from malware. Therefore perfect to perhaps put on your computer not experts of computer science. They also have a family-friendly version of DNS. By using certain DNS, in fact, you will also block adult sites and you will see only safe content Also for children. They also don't use any kind of logging and their code is Open source. For more information on how to install them, check out their website:

🔓 Open source


Other very interesting DNS, though based in America. However, you can decide whether and where usage logs should be kept between the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom or Switzerland. We recommend the European Union or Switzerland. They offer an excellent complete service ad blocker, of malware And of malicious sites. It is also possible to create an account and configure the DNS to our liking. For example, if we want to prevent our children from going to certain sites or applications there is a parental controls really simple to set up.

At this link you will find a guide in English from Techlore: YouTube / Piped.

🌐 you can choose the server where to collect the logs between the United States, the European Union, Great Britain or Switzerland
🔓 Open source


They are probably the most famous DNS after those of Google. They are the fastest of all (second DNSPerf). They do not have no type of filter and this can certainly be a good thing for those who want to surf everywhere without limitations or censorship of any kind. Setting them up is very simple, you can use DNS And or, up Android going to “Private DNS” by entering the phrase They are really effective and fast but perhaps occupy an overly dominant position in the market. And some of their choices were not very happy, like when in their family version they decided to censor LGBTQ sites (then they apologized). Check out their site to find out more: Cloudflare.


It's a really cool service, created for hobby and so without financial interests. They don't hold any kind of log, so you will not be tracked in any way. Also their code is Open source. Their DNS they also automatically protect against dangerous sites and the servers are based in Finland, Japan And Germany. Very interesting project and one to keep an eye on! For more information: BlahDNS.

🇯🇵 🇩🇪 🇸🇬 🇫🇮 servers in Japan, Germany, Singapore and Finland
🔓 Open source


Another really interesting service. Thanks to these DNS you will be safe from virus, from malware and come on tracers. It's completely Open source 2 and they don't keep any logs. They are active only thanks to donations 3, so if you particularly like them, donate something to the developers!

🇩🇪 🇫🇮 🇺🇸 servers in Germany, Finland and USA
🔓 Open source


Among the many services that the Snopyta organization offers there are also DNS. In fact, Snopyta is a non-profit with Finnish servers that offers instances of any type: SearX, PrivateBin, Etherpad And so much more. They are generally among the fastest and most reliable services.

🇫🇮 servers in Finland


Another interesting provider that offers Free DNS hosted on Swiss servers. It has a filter to protect your computer from malware, viruses and spyware.

🇨🇭 server in Switzerland
🔓 Open source


Another provider that delivers Censorship-free DNS. The servers are located in Denmark, are very fast and have been around since 2009!

🇩🇰 server in Denmark


Another project created as a hobby like BlahDNS and this is also a project Open source. Definitely a good resource to keep in mind if you want to use alternative DNS!

🔓 Open source


It's an interesting product, very similar to Netguard it's at Blokada. Once installed on your smartphone it will allow you to block the connection of some applications and you can use customized DNS in just a few clicks. Simple, free, Open source 4 and easy to use!


They were born in 2005 in the United States, so they are probably the oldest public DNS, or at least the most famous. We talk about it above all to tell you about Don't let the name fool you: the OPEN prefix it does not refer to the fact that they are Open source! In 2015 the company was purchased by Cisco who is still the owner.

🇺🇸 servers in the United States


⚠ As previously written: Blokada is always a valid alternative but recently some have been added anti-characteristics as with telemetry (usage statistics) 1. So unless you are particularly fond of it you can think about using one of the many alternatives such as RethinkDNS, DNS66 or personalDNSfilter.

They are not gods DNS but since we also talked about advertising blocking, it seems interesting to name them. Blokada it is an app that can be downloaded from F-Droid (Therefore Open source And free) which allows you to protect your privacy online by setting a ad blocker. It also allows you to set many settings very easily Pre-configured DNS (such as AdGuard DNS or Cloudflare). Therefore perfect if we have to give a smartphone to an inexperienced person or to a child, so that they can use it protect from dangerous sites. Here you can find their download page: Blokada.

  1. Blokada anti-features: Paid features and trackers[][]
  2. on GitHub[]
  3. pi-dns on Liberapay[]
  4. RethinkDNS on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives