Le tre migliori alternative alla ricerca di Google

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The three best alternatives to Google search

This post was last updated by 9 months does

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Are you tired of being continuously tracked by Google? Or you can't stand to see anymore always the same answers to your research? You're just curious to find out if Is there a world beyond Google? We have previously gone into great detail about alternatives to Google Search, now with this article in pills We point out the pros and cons: the three best alternatives to Google search.

As we always try to do for this section, Let's start immediately with the alternatives. Below, if you are interested, a little more information.

The three best alternatives to Google search

We recently decided to update this article especially due to the latest events that have involved us despite ourselves: «I'll explain how Le Alternative was deindexed by Bing and – be careful – by DuckDuckGo».

Obviously ours is not a spite and we try to maintain a certain neutrality. However, we think some corrections are necessary to allow you to make the best choice.


Search engine European (France)
– respects user privacy, never keeps track of any searches and does not perform profiling
– you can sign up to donate money to solidarity projects thanks to research
– maps on OpenStreetMap
Search engine dedicated to children (Qwant Junior)
Search engine dedicated to music (QwantMusic)
– searches within news and social networks
– you can use !g to search directly on Google.

– several partnerships with Huawei are not looked upon favorably by many
– apply some kind of censorship
– partnership with Microsoft to which some pseudo-anonymous data also passes 1
– based on some events that occurred (The Unknown Rebel And «I'll explain how Le Alternative was deindexed by Bing and – be careful – by DuckDuckGo») seems to use Bing more than they would like you to believe


– has existed for many years and has never had any privacy issues
– no tracking or profiling
– nang! That is, being able to search on any other Search engine using the exclamation point. For example: !g “phrase” will search "phrase" on Google. Here is a list of all the bangs!
– instant answer, even if not very present in Italian
– well-functioning apps and extensions ed Open source
– annually collect donations for privacy projects
– the ads can even be deactivated if they bother you

– American servers with all the relevant problems (NSA, EARN IT, Five Eyes)
– they are very English speaking, other languages don't work as well as English
– use Apple maps
– based on some events that occurred («I'll explain how Le Alternative was deindexed by Bing and – be careful – by DuckDuckGo») seems to use Bing more than they would like you to believe


– uses Google results (but not only) but without the problem of tracking and profiling
– searches are never stored
– based in Europe (Holland)

– the searches are only from Google, which is not exactly the best if you are trying to detox from Google
– was recently purchased by an advertising company


These are our preferences, the three best alternatives to Google search in our opinion. There are so many others and you can read the our in-depth analysis here. Having to choose only three, we preferred to give priority to those that offer a mix between usability, privacy And service offered.

If we instead wanted to prefer search engines that are trying to create independent indexes without depending on Bing or Google then we would tell you to use Presearch or Brave Search.

Probably in Italy the Search engine which works better, after Google, is precisely that of Qwant. The others are good in other ways. DuckDuckGo it's hard to beat when it comes to speaking in English, but in Italy it is still quite far from being a total alternative to Google.

If instead you're afraid to move away from Google right away you could then try it Startpage, you will have the same results as Google but without all the trouble of tracking, of the Cookies, from the profiling and of cultural bubble.

Do you want to test a Search engine truly alternative? Try it with searx.org, the meta-Search engine Open source! There are many instances, that is, people who manage their own version of Searx for you at: searx.space.

If you liked this summary, we invite you to take a look at our others alternatives in pills!

  1. Data protection information[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives