Cosa sono i cookie?

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What are cookies?

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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Let's talk about cookies and as you will have understood then we will talk about famous Cookies! As always, we will try to analyze them in a simple and spartan way, so purists or scholars don't mind industry experts. Indeed, if you are interested in the topic and want to learn more you can read this interesting post (used Mate Translate to translate it if you don't know English).
So let's try to answer the big question: what are the Cookies? Do I really need them or is it better to block them?

Cookies in fact in English it actually means biscuit and we generally accept them willingly when we click on "ok I accept" on most websites. We do it because we think it's inevitable.
This doesn't happen with us because, by choice, everything was designed for do not use them. Be careful though, ours is a deliberate choice extremist, i Cookies they are not necessarily absolute evil. Furthermore, there are also temporary ones, which are deleted when the session ends, or permanent ones which remain on your computer for a very long time, even up to 6 months.

What are the Cookies?

We can also divide them into two categories: the good ones and the less good ones. THE Cookies good ones are generally harmless and only help you navigate the site. For example you need to install one on your computer if you need to do a login to the site. And it can also be useful to install a Cookies to, for example, recognize you and show you a message only once instead of every time you enter. Or in any e-commerce store. They are the so-called Cookies first party.

Then there are the less nice ones, generally they are advertisers and they are called Cookies of third parties. They are the ones we tell you to always block. Firefox And Brave for example there block by default. It is also for this reason that we always recommend using them. They are small text files that advertising agencies, and others, put on your computer with your permission (remember when you press “accept”?) e they follow everything you do.

It is important to understand the difference between these two things, the former can somehow make navigation better and can really give a different experience to the user. THE Cookies, initially, were designed precisely for this purpose and as far back as 1996 Yes spoke of the dangers of possible Cookies of third parties (read also this newspaper clipping of the time)

Do profiling serve any purpose?

THE Cookies third parties, in fact, only serve to profile you unnecessarily. We needlessly say why It's not even proven That profiling increases earnings. Indeed, according to some they are of no use except sell junk at a high price (here And here). All this could therefore be not only harmful to privacy, but also useless!

In most cases super-targeted ads are crap. They don't perform well

Mike Masnick on

Google recently he said he wanted to enable it on Chrome too default block dei Cookies of third parties. It's really hard to believe him, because, Google is effectively an advertising agency so much to be in the eye of the storm for abuse of power for advertising. Doubleclick, one of major web marketing agencies, and of owned by Alphabet (Meaning what Google). It is therefore not impossible to imagine that the block imagined by Google is something like "We block other people's ads“. In fact, we are talking about one Revolution, not a simple third-party blocker. We'll see.

We really need all of these Cookies?

In the meantime we did a test to make you understand what we are talking about. It is a test done quickly, without any pretense of study or anything else. It is, among other things, something that you can do it for fun too and to better understand the current situation. We have opened Brave, disabled all the blocks and then went up some of the most read sites in Italy and we always pressed “I accept” like everyone else does.

We then waited a few seconds on the page without doing anything, this is because the advertisements are often in rotation and we wanted to see more than one. The result was more or less what we imagined. In counting, and for simplicity, we have not divided Cookies third parties with others. Bear in mind, however, that the vast majority of these were Cookies advertising with a six-month expiry date. The result is the following:

  • 72 biscuits
  • 43 cookies
  • Pornhub: 26 cookies including Doubleclick. Which is present almost everywhere. You know what this means, right?
  • 130 cookies
  • 203 cookies
  • 165 cookies
  • 159 cookies
  • 245 cookies
  • 218 cookies

Every site you visit without third-party blocks it will literally fill your computer with cookies. Which will follow you everywhere, analyze all the sites you visit and they will try to make you a tailor-made suit not required. If you do this test, also take into account that each time you visit the site it could be different, depending for example on whether there is also an advertising campaign underway or not.

They are really needed Cookies?

As we often say, it's not so much the advertising itself, but its use that has gone far beyond decency. Defending yourself from all this is not only possible but also very easy. It will be enough for you Don't use Google Chrome anymore and move on to Brave or Firefox. In addition to these, it is also available on smartphones DuckDuckGo Browsers for example. By starting with this very simple step you will have already obtained a significant step towards respecting your privacy.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives