Le tre migliori alternative a Google Maps

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The three best alternatives to Google Maps

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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We went into a lot of detail in our main article on alternatives to Google Maps. With this article, however, we will only talk about what we think are the three best alternatives to Google Maps.
Maps it is one of the services more important than Google and probably, together with YouTube, one of those for which it is really very difficult to do without it completely. We say it clearly, do without Gmail it is within everyone's reach and you will hardly miss it. Do without Google Maps instead it is much more complicated. However, we can try to use it intelligently (for example with GApps Browsers) so as to avoid perennial tracking.

This is the section in a nutshell so we will immediately offer you our favorite alternatives.

The three best alternatives to Google Maps


– Community Open source very active, maps always updated
– Lots of apps use OSM maps to work, probably the best one for Android and Apple It's OsmAnd
– It's really free, we're not the product
– With the OsmAnd app navigation works reasonably well
– It is the largest community Open source of maps
- Exists StreetComplete to update maps in a fun way
- You can download maps offline to do whatever you want with it
– On city mapping it is even better than Google Maps

– There is no Street View (even if the project exists KartaView)
– Points of interest are significantly fewer than on Google Maps, but anyone can do their part by adding them
– Searches work a little worse than Google

Magic Earth

– Exceptional navigator, probably the best alternative
– Use OpenStreetMap maps
– It is a Swiss company
– It's totally free
– It is found both on Android what up Apple

– There is no Street View
– It's not a project Open source

Organic Maps

UPDATE: a free version of Maps.me was recently released created by the same founders of Maps.me. Is called Organic Maps and it looks very promising indeed. For this reason we have replaced Maps.me with Organic Maps.

Open source and use the maps of OpenStreetMap
– It is a very complete mobile app, available on Android (Play Store And F-Droid) come on Apple. You can also download maps for offline use.
– Happy surfing

– Searches work a little worse than Google
– There is no Street View
– Still under improvement but already very complete

Here is our choice then, but we want to go further. Maps have become, over the years, something truly essential. Google Maps it's a project mammoth with dozens of features and services. But that doesn't mean it's the best in any category.
We list in our opinion what they are best solutions based on different situations:

List of alternative solutions

View maps on desktopQWant Maps or OpenStreetMap
View maps on mobile phoneOsmAnd or Organic Maps /Maps
Car/motorcycle navigatorMagic Earth, OsmAnd
Offline car/motorcycle navigatorOrganic Maps/Maps
Navigator on foot and excursionsOsmAnd And gpx.studio
Track your routeOpenTracks And AAT
Public transportTransportr And Moovit
Riding a bicycleNaviki
Looking at the Earth from aboveZoom Earth And ArcGIS
Alternative to Street ViewMapillary And KartaView
Route generatorBrouter
Warning: not all of them are Open source

The three best alternatives to Google Maps

We have therefore discovered that it is possible to use multiple applications, often specialized in knowing how to do one thing but well, rather than having a single one that craves personal data.

We remind you again that in case you still want to use Google Maps our advice is to do it from desktop with Firefox and with the extension Temporary Containers. If you are on Android instead you can use the exceptional GApp Browsers. On Apple we recommend you try it OsmAnd or the excellent Magic Earth!

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives