FaceApp, Foodora e Whatsapp

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FaceApp, Foodora and Whatsapp

Warning: This post was created 4 years does

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We deal with Alternatives and only sporadically talk about current affairs. We often do this by trying to insert many links and different interesting news. Today, for example, we will bring you some news on cybersecurity and we will also talk about FaceApp, Foodora and of Whatsapp. A brief summary of the past few weeks.

For example, let's start with report the cyber attack ransomware towards Geox. A ransomware it is a virus that encrypts the data of infected machines and the only way to unlock them, without losing everything, is to pay a ransom to cybercriminals. Attacks of this type are becoming more and more fashionable: last year for example several cities in the USA they have paid cybercriminals in order to regain the encrypted data.

FaceApp, Foodora and Whatsapp

Changing the subject instead, it was another small flaw in WhatsApp privacy discovered. We recently talked about how Google indexed group chat links, even private ones, thus allowing a anyone to fit in.
It was recently discovered that by inserting the key Click to Chat the telephone number on its website will be indexed by Google. Not exactly the best when it comes to privacy and security as far as the number is concerned And Then possible to trace the profile photo, from the profile photo you can trace the identity of a person and so on. We also know that the web never forgets. So let's hope that Whatsapp change the method to insert yours Click to Chat, perhaps managing to somehow hide phone number not allowing indexing.


With the arrival of summer however, FaceApp is also back with a new filter that can transform female faces into male ones and vice versa. Last year there were many criticisms regarding FaceApp as had more than one issue with privacy. This year something has changed, at least on paper. There privacy policy has been updated and now it is promised that no image will ever be sold to third parties or transferred to Russia (the app is in fact Russian) and above all that will be canceled within 48 hours. Unfortunately, as often happens, we can only trust what they say as the application is obviously closed source. Furthermore the required permissions to work they are really, really excessive. Finally it is, as always, full of Trackers advertising and otherwise. Neither we do not recommend therefore the use.

FaceApp and the comparison with Immuni

However, we must admit that we don't really like the comparison with Immune, as we often hear or read. They are two different apps, they are two different things and a person should not feel some type of way obligatory to install Immune just because decided to have fun with FaceApp.
Immuni was certainly a successful operation as regards privacy (code Open source, decentralized, few permissions) but any comparison with other apps is in our opinion inappropriate. Immune it can only work if there is trust in Institutions, In the Government, in Regions and in the Healthcare (things like these they shouldn't happen). It can't work though if you bully by teasing who decides independently not to install it. Useless factions are created and a hostile environment which doesn't help anyone.


In all this, what perhaps went unnoticed was Foodora data breach. In fact, 727 thousand Foodora users were hacked and among these there are also several Italian users. The breached data contains names, addresses, phone numbers, password And geolocation data. We therefore always advise you to stay updated on data breach by signing up to sites like Have I Been Pwned? oh Firefox Monitor for example. In this way you will be notified promptly when your data have ended up in the wrong hands.
The only advice we can give you is to never use the same password (or even a similar one!) for different sites. If someone manages to get hold of a lot of your data, for example, it may even be able to steal your identity.

Beyond FaceApp, Foodora and Whatsapp.
Other noteworthy news

– Yet another reason why do not use Zoom: censored 3 users who they dared to circumvent Chinese censorship celebrating the anniversary of Tiananmen Square.

- It seems that There are more and more detractors of facial recognition, even if we fear that those of Amazon, Microsoft and IBM are just marketing and cosmetic operations.

– Porn in Italy could be censored For defend children. In the hope that a similar law never see the light, Obviously. We are against any type of censorship, above all when the State decides to lecture us on porn and similar. Not even, thanks.

Someone think about the children!

– Things in Mexico they don't look too good for what concerns Tor. And this is very bad news because Tor in Mexico is really used a lot for this reason Journalists' lives are truly at risk.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives