Alternative ad Eventbrite

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Alternatives to Eventbrite

This post was last updated by 3 months does

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If you have the need to create a public event, whether free or paid, is certainly one of the first options that may come to mind Eventbrite. If you are here it is probably because you are looking for alternatives to Eventbrite. For those who don't know what we're talking about, Eventbrite is an American company that allows you to organize and of create events free it's at payment. For free events you don't pay anything, for paid ones you do a percentage of the final ticket price.

So far everything seems quite simple to us, it is a service that is used a lot by many companies and from private to succeed organize real professional events. We also know about Churches who used it to "book" their place during Phase 2 of the quarantine. A practical and easy-to-use method for everyone. Unfortunately, as all too often happens, the site is a heap Of Cookies and of tracers of any type.

We tried to analyze it with the tool Blacklight by The Markup but it gives us an error, perhaps it has been blocked. So we tried something simple even graphically like the application DuckDuckGo Browsers to quickly see what it contains: HubSpot, Branch Metrics and the inevitable ones Google And Facebook for advertising, Amazon with its CDN Cloudfront and various telemetry with Sentry and more.

The funny part is that all these requests are blocked before you even press Accept all or Reject all, but on the other hand we now click a bit at random: who would ever read one Cookies 18 paragraph, 300 line policy to create an event? It is not for nothing that our suggestion is generally to accept a bit of everything but use a Browsers decent and well set up (Firefox or Brave for example) deleting all Cookies at the end of each session.

Alternatives to Eventbrite

Not to mention their Android application: 10 tracers! Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, several of Facebook (including also Facebook Analytics) just so you don't miss anything. Take a look for yourself on Exodus.

We find it particularly annoying when all this happens in sites that already make money with paid profiles. We will continue to repeat it: in our opinion this hurts everyone. It's a sick internet model if to visit a simple site you have to be tracked from halfway around the world.

This can be understood, albeit without justifying it, for those sites that live solely and exclusively on advertising. But when in addition to all this you are also asked to pay for the service, in our opinion you go further.

We are therefore not totally experts in the "events" sector if you know other privacy-friendly realities let us know as always. In the meantime, we'll list what we think are the alternatives which seem closest to us Eventbrite but which truly respect our privacy. Both for professionals but also for private individuals. In fact, we know of people who use it even just for a simple birthday party, for example.

Alternatives to Eventbrite


Open source

Yet another exceptional project from the group Framasoft. Officially released on October 27, 2020 1 was born after a fundraising effort that went very well 2. It is meant to be the alternative Open source 3 to Facebook events. As always Framasoft you can trust it so try it without hesitation! Here find a list of usable servers. Here the Italian one managed by the group devol.


Open source
server in Germany

Pretix looks like the true Eventbrite competitor through and through. However, it is a model focused on privacy and on the safety. Also in this case it is possible to use it at no cost for free events. For paid ones, however, the cost is 2.5% for each ticket sold. Being a product FOSS, however, if you are able to do it Self-hosting you can also host it for free on your server!


Open source

A nice solution, practice And fast for all those who need to organize a free event and they don't want too much banging. And above all they don't want to be inundated with cookies and tracers uselessly. It's a nice project Open source and totally free (if you use it often, support the author!). You can also set a maximum limit of guests they will be able to independently register or cancel for the event. The author of Gathio he is, among other things, also the creator of utopian social network Sweet (no longer exists).


Open source

Another great project Open source, certainly different from the others but we like to include it in the list as it is potentially useful for someone. Also in this case there is no possibility of managing paid professional events (such as Pretix). Gancio, however, is a real one agenda for local communities. Everyone can create their own Instance for your community or you can simply use one of those present as or for example If you know where to put your hands installing it yourself in our opinion it is a wonderful idea to propose within a community. Watch This example.

  1. Mobilizon. Your events. Your groups. Your data.[]
  2. Mobilizon: let's finance a software to free our events from Facebook[]
  3. Mobilizon source code[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives