Leak di codici sorgente e altre notizie recenti

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Source code leaks and other recent news

Warning: This post was created 4 years does

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We decided, as we often do, to accumulate more information together so as to allow an overall picture while trying not to continually chase the news of the day. We will therefore talk about a source code leaks and other recent news like the problem of Garmin, of Australia which accuses Google of having violated the privacy of users and of Facebook suing the EU.

Let's start with what we think could be the main news. There was a major source code leak which concerns over 50 famous companies including: Adobe, Microsoft, Lenovo, Qualcomm, AMD, Nintendo, Disney and many others 1.
It is not clear how this was possible, the result is that discrete parts of proprietary code ended up online. As you know, we appreciate companies that make their own available source code online, when this happens carelessly and without volition there is a potential security risk because the code could contain bugs or sensitive data.

Lose control of source code on the Internet it's like handing over bank plans to thieves. 

Statement from Jake Moore, a security specialist at ESET, to Tom's Guide

Inside the codes also valuable credentials

Second Bleepingcomputer the codes were collected by the developer Tillie Kottmann and put in a Repositories public on GitLab. 2 Among others, the names of the Italian bank BNL. Find the list of all the companies involved here.
Kottmann he also revealed that he had found numerous credentials within those source codes. Before publishing them, he therefore attempted to clean them up to avoid a much larger and riskier violation. 3
The same Kottmann it also confirmed that it intends to satisfy all removal requests and to possibly provide information to strengthen the security of the infrastructure of the companies involved.

Source code leaks and other recent news: Garmin held hostage by Ransomware

Another important news of the week concerns the Garmin company. As many of you probably already know, Garmin was knocked out of action for several days thanks to a targeted cyberattack 4. It seems that the hackers managed to infect the local network in Taiwan via ransomware and then spread throughout Garmin's infrastructure.
The summary done by Wired is eloquent: the ransomware that hit Garmin it is unable to steal files before encrypting them. So it just paralyzes the system without being able to do anything else. This means that by having a backup you can recover all the data without problems and this seems to be the case with Garmin given that its services are coming back online in recent days 5.

Australia against Google

According to the Competition and Consumer Commission of Australia (ACCC) Google allegedly deceived its users to obtain their consent to the use of personal data for advertising purposes. In fact, in 2016, again according to the accusation ofACCC, Google it would not explicitly inform its users that it was starting to combine personal data with browsing on non-Google sites 6.

Facebook sues the EU

Ok this last one may seem like news Filthy, but is not so.
Facebook does not want to deliver toEuropean Union various sensitive information which, in their opinion, is not necessary for theAntitrust. 7 In essence Facebook is denouncing the EU for one excessive invasion of privacy.
The first inevitable comment that comes to mind, after you stop laughing, is: “Don't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you”! 😅
Beyond the jokes, however, we will see how it will continue and who will prevail. The tug of war between EU And Facebook it's just the beginning.

  1. Disney, Microsoft, Nintendo and 50 more hit by massive Source code leak[]
  2. Source code from dozens of companies leaked online[]
  3. fyi, hardcoded credentials have generally been stripped in the releases on a best effort basis.[]
  4. Garmin services and production go down after ransomware attack[]
  5. Garmin System Status[]
  6. Correction: ACCC alleges Google misled consumers about expanded use of personal data[]
  7. Facebook Sues EU Over 'Irrelevant' Demands in Antitrust Probes[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives