Facebook, Instagram e la censura

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Facebook, Instagram and censorship

This post was last updated by 3 years does

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We are dealing with a topic that is close to our hearts and we will do so starting from news that you will hardly find in the national media. The topic is the censorship of social networks. In reality, rather than censorship, in this case, it would be better to talk about inefficiency and indifference. I don't care because they put 4 cats to check the posts of millions of people 1. Inefficiency because their algorithms often make big mistakes 2. So we'll talk about Facebook, Instagram and censorship.

The local pages of Extinction Rebellion Italia have been darkened

The news we want to start from has been reported to us and we are happy to echo it. Some local pages of the Extinction Rebellion Italia movement, a ecological and non-violent movement, have been obscured by Facebook and Instagram, you can read their statement here: Facebook blocks Extinction Rebellion pages. As often happens, Zuckerberg's algorithms obscure or limit pages without giving any reasons if not a generic “violate community standards”. In response and in a symbolic way, the main page of the movement XR Italy for three days he did not post anything on his Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.
Extinction Rebellion Italy she had already questioned herself with one deep reflection on the use of mainstream social networks which you can read here: Is there no alternative to Facebook? Introducing the social rebels.

Some examples of dictatorship digital

After all, we know something about it too. Time ago our Instagram page had some major limitations: without any notice we could no longer post anything or leave comments on other pages. Although we are quite sure that we have not violated the rules, there was no way to talk to someone on the other side. An algorithm had decided we needed to be punished. After several days of "blocking" we were able to post again.
What happened? How can we improve to ensure this doesn't happen again? Nobody told us anything. Like us, we imagine there are thousands of ghosts that no one cares about. Small realities that if they dare to tear the veil of Maya of social networks are immediately placed in the corner of shame without being able to say a word or contest the decision.

Beyond the ban, the shadowban

In addition to the actual ban, which we will talk about below, there is also something called shadowban. You will not be notified in any way but you will be included in the naughty list. Your posts will not appear in searches, people will have difficulty finding you and you will not be able to leave comments around the social network.
The shadowban It's a sneaky way to ban accountswithout even having to explain.

Reddit certainly isn't doing any better even if there are censorships locals

Much smaller, but along the same lines, this: https://t.me/ItalyInformatica/523736 that's what he repliedadmin of the subreddit r/ItalyInformatica to a user who asked for clarification on one alleged unequal treatment by the admin himself. Later the same user was also put in silent (https://t.me/ItalyInformatica/524508).

Attention: While it may seem like we're rambling, we're not.
These attitudes, although decidedly different in order of magnitude, are similar to each other. They put themselves in the position “I'm me... and you're not shit!“. Strengthened by the unconditional love of their users, often unaware of all this, they do whatever they want. Whoever is pushed into the corner will have no opportunity to complain about it publicly.
Another example is that of friends of Digital Ethics to whom they constantly come posts on the r/Italy subreddit deleted 3 4 5. Without excessive explanations and despite the fact that their articles offer very interesting ideas and are always full of sources without ever descending into conspiracy theories.

If you think about it, that's what happens up there too Facebook, Instagram And Twitter, obviously in an amplified version.

Facebook, Instagram and censorship. Because the darkening of the pages of Extinction Rebellion Italia is serious

What's happening to the local social pages of Extinction Rebellion Italy it is obviously much more serious. First of all, because we are talking about young non-violent ecological activists, but above all because these pages found themselves overnight without being able to communicate with their community. That's right: if Facebook or Instagram decide that you did something wrong, you will no longer have a way to reach anyone.

All this leads to an important reflection, even if it is obvious for some: the pages Facebook and Instagram they don't belong to us in any way. It is crucial to use alternative channels to create your own community using Facebook and Instagram only as "amplifiers" of their offer. This is what we also did when we decided to create our own, despite everything and everyone Facebook pages and Instagram (and for a few days we also have the our Tumblr)

Facebook, Instagram and censorship: the alternatives


Mastodon (the alternative to Twitter) for example, it works differently as it is decentralized: there are many small servers connected to each other and each of these servers has its own rules 6. In the meantime, if something happens, it's a mess dialogue with the moderators is much simpler. And then, even if the issue is unsolvable, you could simply register on a different server and take all your followers with you. It goes without saying that on Mastodon most servers simply request ideals of democracy such as anti-fascism and anti-racism.
In fact, it is important not to fall into the trap of "then you can say everything and offend anyone": the values of democracy and the respect for all minorities they must never be questioned 7.

Beyond Mastodon always within the so-called Fediverse it also exists Pixelfed which we will talk about in depth later but which we still want to mention. It is thedecentralized alternative to Instagram, still in its embryonic stage but definitely expanding.


Another important channel to stay connected to your community is Telegram.
Telegram it is very careful not to censor anyone and only in extreme cases such as pedophilia, revenge porn and terrorism does it collaborate with the Police 8. There is therefore no algorithm that analyzes your post and censors you because you wrote a bad word in the image (yes, it happens with Facebook). It is really very convenient and effective and you can create a channel (as ours) or a group complete with moderators, bots and everything needed to grow a real community.

The Web site

Last but not least, you need to have your own website and possibly one newsletter with which to send important updates. The website It's really one of the most important parts.
It is essential that you actually own the data of what you write. A website can only be censored by judicial means and only if you commit a crime. In fact, let us remember that in Italy freedom of expression is enshrined in the Constitution 9. If you only express your thoughts without defaming and/or offending anyone Nobody will be able to censor you. To Zuckerberg, about all this, doesn't give a damn. It's important to get this in your head. Facebook follows its own policy, which we accepted during registration. Sometimes it can come in handy and please us, other times it doesn't 10.

For activists, like those of Extinction Rebellion Italy, this is yet another confirmation the importance of meeting in person. Facebook and social networks can help create a network but the main tool must be meeting: we cannot and must not delegate everything to virtual interactions.

The numbers of Facebook and Instagram

An important reflection, perhaps a little boring but necessary Facebook, Instagram and censorship.
Zuckerberg can, with disarming simplicity, decide and influence the fate of thousands, if not millions, of people. He does it daily closing pages on reports or based on algorithms. Many also believe that Facebook significantly influenced the latest American elections 11 and not only 12.

Compared to 2 billion active users 13 and tens of millions of daily posts has only 15 thousand moderators 14.
As if he lacked the money for greater attention to his users. We know well that this is not the case. 15. And no, it's not true that Facebook is too big to be moderated: Stop Saying Facebook Is 'Too Big to Moderate'.

Facebook, Instagram and censorship: conclusions

An enormous power centralized in one private company it's dangerous, and it is useless And harmful pretend nothing happened. If you manage pages Facebook or Instagram we don't tell you to run away and delete everything because we understand very well that those platforms are currently used by millions of people who cannot be ignored 16. What we suggest is to direct them more and more often towards alternative realities until it becomes Facebook and Instagram just simple “mirrors” of your real activities and Not the other.

Just one would be enough influencers or youtubers was talking about Peertube (the alternative to Youtube) you hate Mastodon to give him more publicity than we will be able to do in 10 years. This is why it is important to create a critical mass and be able to reach those who have the opportunity to speak to millions of people.
Also for this reason, despite not knowing the character well, we appreciate when famous people like Chef Rubio decide to abandon Instagram in favor of Telegram 17.

We are therefore waiting for you upstairs Mastodon, on Telegram come on Reddit to discuss it!

  1. Propaganda, Hate Speech, Violence: The Working Lives Of Facebook's Content Moderators[]
  2. Facebook censors Canova's sculpture: "It shows too much of the body"[]
  3. Zughy in 💬 Digital Ethics[]
  4. Another deleted post on r/Italy[]
  5. Third cancellation[]
  6. Complete guide to social Mastodon[]
  7. What is Parler, the social network on which Donald Trump is betting[]
  8. The Postal Police has reported three administrators of revenge porn groups on Telegram[]
  9. The Constitution[]
  10. How dangerous Facebook censorship of pro-Kurdish pages is[]
  11. Here's how social networks influenced the US presidential elections[]
  12. When viral rhymes with electoral. How news spread massively on Facebook influenced the latest elections[]
  13. Facebook reaches 2 billion active users per month[]
  14. Propaganda, Hate Speech, Violence: The Working Lives Of Facebook's Content Moderators[]
  15. The five largest companies in 2010 vs 2020[]
  16. Digital Report 2020: the use of social media is still growing in Italy[]
  17. Chef Rubio leaves Instagram: “It censors my posts about Palestine”[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives