Alternative ad Instagram

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Alternatives to Instagram

This post was last updated by 9 months does

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Let's get back to talking about alternatives to social networks more famous. As you well know when we talk about alternatives to social media we also refer to methods to see them without being tracked. Even for them alternatives to Instagram so we will first talk about a method for looking at Instagram "from the outside" and then about the real alternatives.

There are many reasons not to use Instagram. Although it is not one of the most invasive on the web (unlike Facebook And Google, for example) his business fuels the so-called FOMO (Fear ORf Missing ORut). Thanks also to the stories that disappear after 24 hours, the people who use it are constantly under psychological pressure to never miss anything and are forced (emotionally, no one points a gun to his head obviously) to open and watch the application continuously.

The infinite timeline

Furthermore the infinite timeline it is another well-known method for constantly keeping your users in check. It is also for this reason that when we talked about alternatives to Google News we have proposed to you i feeds RSS. Because they are limited feeds and once the news is over, they're really over. Until more comes out.
With an infinite timeline, however, you won't be able to take your eyes off your phone and you will always have the anxiety of missing something important. There are many studies on the subject and there is also a real addiction to social networks 1.

Photo Gfycat

Alternative social media

THE alternative social networks, as Mastodon, PixelFed And Feddit (Lemmy), are interesting from this point of view. In fact, they are almost entirely copies of famous social networks but with decentralized servers. This is excellent because the power is not in the hands of a single person and there is no attempt to make money on the skin of its users.

However, we wonder if they don't suffer from the same "problem" being almost identical to the originals even if in reality they don't work thanks to algorithms but the posts are generally only in chronological order 2. The algorithm Instagram in fact he was also accused of favoring semi-nude photos 3 and being closed source no one can prove it with certainty.
Furthermore, alternative social networks are certainly much more welcoming and friendly places. But it is thanks to decentralization or the fact that they are not used by the masses?

Back to our alternatives, anyway.
The best method to try view Instagram if you don't want to log in and don't want to be tracked, you can use the project Open source 4 Proxigram.

Don't rely on it too much because Instagram doesn't like projects that allow you to follow users without being registered and it could disappear like what happened to Bibliogram 5. However, we already know the system and have already seen it with UntrackMe (for Android) and with Privacy Redirect (for the Browsers). Basically it allows you to view Instagram photos and profiles without logging in And without any registration. This for example it is our Instagram profile viewed via Proxigram. As always they exist several instances of Proxigram, choose the one you prefer.

Alternatives to Instagram: the RSS

Another interesting method is follow Instagram profiles via RSS, as we have Already seen For Facebook and the news in general. For example with some instances of Proxigram you will also have the RSS which you can add to always be updated without being registered on Instagram. This system, however, is decidedly ostracized by Instagram and often RSS on Proxigram they don't work properly.

However, there are sites like which generate up to 2 RSS free every 24 hours. They offer then paid plans much more complete. These services are, generally, more reliable on this.

Alternatives to Instagram


Open source

The real one alternative to Instagram And Pixelfed. A social network that is part of the fediverse (as Mastodon, PeerTube And Friendica) and which is a real clone of Instagram. There is one Instance Italian and you can find it on Very recently, and still in the development phase, there is also one application Open source and free call PixelDroid. There is also the application Open source 6 Pixelcat. If you are looking for an alternative Open source and free on Instagram, you've found it.

Photo from Pixelfed


It really depends on how you use Instagram but Reddit could also be for you. If you are there why follow someone famous then maybe it's better to use Proxigram they RSS, as we have seen.
If you are there for the photos oh funny memes you could also try taking a look at Reddit. In fact, there is a subreddit for everything. Do you like them artistic photos made with particular techniques and styles? Take a look at r/itookapicture. You like it water paint? Follow r/watercolor. And so on. To use Reddit you can also use Slides, an application Open source, free and without advertising or one of the many applications available.


We cannot fail to mention our server in this paragraph Lemmy called Feddit. Lemmy is aalternative to Reddit federated, free and decentralized. Also on Lemmy you can find communities dedicated to artistic photos, memes or you can create your own on Feddit.


Open source

Like parsley, we put Telegram everywhere. This is because it is a truly versatile project, so much so that we can really do whatever we want with it. For example, you can create channels that only advertise images and use it a bit like Instagram. You can make fun ones like Legolize or with historical photographs such as the canal Photos from the past.
Since version 4.5, many new features have also been introduced regarding albums and videos, if you are interested and want to read more: Albums, Saved Messages and Better Search.

  1. Social Media Addiction[]
  2. PixelFed is an alternative Open source to Instagram, with chronological order and without image compression[]
  3. The accusation against the Instagram algorithm: "A vicious circle, it favors half-naked photos"[]
  4. source code by Proxigram[]
  5. Future of Bibliogram[]
  6. Pixelcat on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives