Aiuto! Perché non funziona più Invidious?

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Help! Why doesn't Invidious work anymore?

This post was last updated by 3 years does

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We have talked in the past about alternatives to Youtube and our main solution has always been the website Invidious. Invidious in fact it is a project Open source 1 which allows you to watch all the videos on Youtube without being tracked by Google. Being a project Open source with AGPLv3+ license 2 anyone can pull up a server with it installed Invidious and create your own Instance.
In the meantime, however, something has changed. You are searching help why doesn't Invidious work anymore? Here's why and our alternatives.

It all starts on August 1, 2020 with a blog post by Omar Roth 3, the lead author of the project Open source Envious. In this post he explains that the project has literally overwhelmed him and that he can no longer keep up with it as much as he would like. He also writes that from 1 September 2020 he would close theInstance main (with over 35,000 users) at And indeed that was the case.

What happens now?

To date, everything seems relatively calm. The other instances of Invidious, in fact, work quite well. However, the main developer of the project will no longer participate and this creates enormous uncertainty about the future. We must hope that someone actually adopts the project because in the event of major errors it is not so certain that they will be fixed as quickly as before. On the other hand, the project Invidious on Liberapay currently has zero donors. So we just have to wait and see how it will continue.

Aiuto! Perché non funziona più Invidious?
The Invidious project on Liberapay currently has zero donors

Help! Why doesn't Invidious work anymore?
Other alternatives to Youtube

In the meantime also the project Hooktube, which we had previously talked about, seems to be abandoned 4.
So let's take this opportunity to do one of the our pills on alternatives to Youtube. As we said Invidious it still exists, but we cannot be certain that the project will go ahead even if we hope so. So the first alternative to it can only be the same Invidious but on other instances. If you are looking for help why Invidious it no longer works, find all the valid alternatives below!

Finally, we also remind you of the existence of UntrackMe on F-Droid to use Nitter in the place of Twitter, Invidious in the place of Youtube And Bibliogram in the place of Instagram on your own Android.

Other instances of Invidious

As anticipated, there are other currently active instances of Invidious. However, we do not know whether the project will be constantly updated when inevitable problems arise. Our favorite is theInstance Generally fast and reliable.
You can also use the site to choose a server that is definitely working. For example: – the link becomes


Unlike many other projects, NewPipe does not use the APIs of Invidious. Therefore the departure of Omar Roth from the project Invidious It should not affect its operation in any way. NewPipe is constantly updated and is definitely the perfect Youtube alternative for Android. It is found, for obvious reasons, only on F-Droid (things F-Droid?). For further information you can also find our article dedicated to NewPipe.


FreeTube It's a really very interesting project. Installs as an app on all platforms: Windows, macOS And Linux. It is also a project Open source 5. The interesting thing about FreeTube is that for a few months it has been using a local API to view Youtube videos 6. So also in this case the project Invidious should disappear permanently, FreeTube it should continue to work without any major problems.
A web version of it has been excluded by its developer for now 7.

Help! Why doesn't Invidious work anymore? Real alternatives to Youtube

The ones just listed were methods for watching YouTube privately. But on the internet It's not just YouTube that exists and lately many interesting projects have come out such as:
PeerTube, a decentralized network of Hosting video 8. There is also the our channel (even if it's not very updated now). There has also been a for some time Search engine for all instances of Peertube created by Framasoft And his name is Sepia Search., a project that uses the LBRY protocol 9 and that allows you to earn cryptocurrencies. It seems to be used a lot lately.
BitChub, a P2P video network 10.

  1. Invidious on GitHub[]
  2. I refer to the General Public License on Wikipedia[]
  3. Stepping away from Open source[]
  4. Hooktube changelog[]
  5. FreeTube on GitHub[]
  6. Behind the Scenes: Rewrite Preview and Experimental Builds[]
  7. FreeTubeDev on Reddit[]
  8. What is PeerTube?[]
  9. What is LBRY[]
  10. BitChube on Wikipedia[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives