Facebook accusa Apple di proteggere troppo la privacy

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Facebook accuses Apple of protecting privacy too much

Warning: This post was created 4 years does

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This is news from a few days ago. With the next Apple update to the operating system iOS 14, app developers will have to ask for explicit permission to obtain the unique code Idfa to follow the user's activities. Means that Facebook, for example, before opening it will have to show a nice explicit message in which you will be asked: “can I spy on you?“. Let's paraphrase a bit obviously, the actual message will be something like: "do you authorize permission to track you between apps from different companies and then use your data to provide you with personalized advertising?". It's easy to think that many people would answer "no, thanks" to such an explicit question. So here's why Facebook accuses Apple of protecting privacy too much!

It seems like a joke, but we are very serious. The new iOS update is really interesting and Apple continues to show interest in the privacy of its users, at least on paper. Of course, all that glitters is not gold. All systems Apple they are closed code and are often accused of having anti-competitive attitudes 1. It's also a shame for the prohibitive costs of its products, even if many respond to this that Android smartphones cost less because Google makes money with our data. It's not entirely wrong to think so given that Apple only makes money thanks to products and services while 85% of Google's earnings come from advertising 2.

Facebook accuses Apple of protecting privacy too much

In a recent, rather surreal post, Facebook apologizes to its users and advertisers for being forced to respect people's privacy in the next update iOS 3. After all, as we know Facebook is used to following us almost everywhere. In fact, the blog says that Facebook will no longer collect theIdfa on the devices if it is necessary to ask explicitly. This, according to Facebook, could make their advertising system ineffective. Their income could be so bad that they have to divest their Audience Network system on iOS 14 in the future.

We know this may severely impact publishers' ability to monetize through Audience Network on iOS 14, and, despite our best efforts, may render Audience Network so ineffective on iOS 14 that it may not make sense to offer it on iOS 14 in the future.

Quote from Preparing Audience Network for iOS 14

A move by Apple to revive iAd?

Who can say if Apple Is it moved by real pro-privacy sentiments or is theirs just another move to grab market shares? These are just speculations of course but if indeed Facebook, Google and Amazon were to start withdrawing from iPhones because they earn too little, Apple might want to try again iAd, their mobile advertising platform that died in 2016.

  1. How Apple uses anti-competitive practices to extort developers and support authoritarian regimes[]
  2. How the Tech Giants Make Their Billions[]
  3. Preparing Audience Network for iOS 14[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives