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Learn to program by playing

This post was last updated by 7 months does

Difficulty: ◉◉◉○

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This site was created with the need to make as many people as possible understand that many things are less difficult than they seem. We mainly deal with privacy, but more generally we appreciate when things are explained down to earth and when something can be taught also having fun. For example, you can learn to program by playing?

Of course, knowing how to do certain things is always necessary study. But to then put into practice what you have learned and practice, boredom is not always mandatory. Furthermore, practice and experience are just as important as study. It is for this reason that we want to publish this article.

In fact, thanks to the sites we are going to suggest, you can learn to program while having fun. It is therefore dedicated above all to all the people who are entering the world of programming for the first time and want to learn something new and who knows maybe participate in the next one Hacktoberfest!

Learn to program by playing


With WarriorJS you will be able to put your JavaScript knowledge to use. A real adventure will be created (for now there are two levels: beginner and intermediate) that you will have to make your warrior face. We won't reveal anything to you, it's one of the nicest and funniest things to do for training!


Graphically exceptional. It's a real game. You will start by choosing your hero and your programming language from Python, JavaScript And CoffeeScript. The game consists of passing the tests required by the various levels. Instead of the normal keys and mouse to play you will have to program your hero! This game is also suitable for beginners, you can really learn to program by playing!
Be careful because it is free only for the first levels: after a while payment is mandatory.


A method fun and intelligent For teach children and the kids to program. Don't have children? You can even give it a try yourself to find out whether programming is something for you or not! The initial trial is free, after 14 days it will only cost €5 per month. It's never too late to learn!

Oh My Git!

Open source

You've always heard of Git but you have no idea what it is Git and would you like to know him a little more? Oh My Git! is a nice multi-platform game created especially for learning how to use Git!

SQL Murder Mystery

There was a murder in SQL City! SQL Murder Mystery it is designed both to help people learn concepts and commands SQL both to be a fun game for already experienced users of SQL. Will you be able to solve the crime and find the killer?


Tynker we weren't able to try it because it requires a fee. But it promises well and we have heard equally good things about it! It is dedicated to children, starting from 5 years. But if you are older and don't have children to give this gift to, you can try the version dedicated to children over 14 years old where you can learn JavaScript And Python!

The Aviator

If you are a programmer, or if you are studying to become one, in this video game you can put into action what you have learned! The Aviator 1 It has four worlds/difficulty levels each with different levels to overcome with logic. Good fun!

Code Monster

A monster will teach you the basics of programming. Follow his instructions to learn some JavaScript! It's really simple and fun to do and will help you figure out if programming is for you!

Flexbox Froggy

If you want to practice with the CSS this cute frog is definitely for you! 24 levels, one more difficult than the other, for learn how to use CSS correctly. Move the frogs by following the instructions for each level!


It's not a game but a series of quizzes to learn how to program in Python, in C++, in JavaScript and so on. Before answering the quizzes you must obviously study the basic concepts of these languages. Unfortunately it is only in English but it is also available for Android and iPhone.


As above, this is also not a real game but a way very simple and fun For learn to program. Here too, guides are available for beginners and experts. There is a version for Android and also one for iPhone.


Unlike the previous ones, this one is much more complex to use and recommended for those who are already familiar with it and know where and how to move. It's not a game but a series of guided exercises to learn over 50 languages programming.

Advent of Code

How about a advent calendar in a nerdy version? Twenty-five days of super interesting puzzles where you really learn a lot! To do this you just need to have a little programming knowledge (of any kind, there is no specific language to use) and be skilled in problem solveng.
It starts every year on December 1st and each puzzle unlocks at midnight! You can look at the past events to better understand what we are talking about and decide to participate this year!
Thanks so much for the reporting this project on Mastodon!


Runno it's not a game to learn programming by playing, but will allow you to test Python code without having a server at your disposal. Very useful therefore for testing your skills! It's also a project Open source 2.

A real-time shooter to learn JavaScript programming. A truly brilliant and clever idea!


Interesting application, albeit with some dark pattern too many, to learn to program. It's not a real game but a series of questions and riddles to learn how to program. There are basics, prizes and much more. There doesn't seem to be an Italian translation.


Free (and paid) challenges to learn how to use two programming languages: Python and Go.

Some extras

Before concluding our article we leave you other little gems found on the net. These are two sites that will test your knowledge on encryption and on the cybersecurity. If you don't know what we're talking about, forward this article to some of your friends and invite him to participate!


Dedicated to those who want to test their knowledge of cybersecurity! The aim of this game is in fact to be able to break into the system by exploiting specifically created flaws. There are various difficulties, even those for total beginners!


You feel like gods cryptography experts? Then try this site, but we warn you right away. Even just To register you must pass a test, you will in fact have to decipher a code encrypted with the Caesar cipher. Without this it will not even be possible to register. Congratulations!

Hack The Box

A gigantic one playground for companies, universities and individuals, to learn and improve their skills. There is both a free and a free version Paid VIP version. Very cute and smart!


We're not really talking about programming but more about hacking and Unix. This is a real game dedicated to hacking and to play you need to know and know how to use the Unix terminal. Available for Windows, For macOS and obviously for Linux.


Open source

This is also a game, not suitable for beginners, but very interesting and well done. It is a fully text-based game that combines elements of systems and networks and programming. You can play online at Bitburner or download it from Steam.

We hope you enjoyed this article, we look forward to seeing you in our subreddit or in one of the our many social profiles!

  1. source code by The Aviator[]
  2. source code of Runno[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives