Come previsto, DuckDuckGo è sparito dal menù di Android

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As expected, DuckDuckGo has disappeared from the Android menu

This post was last updated by 4 years does

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Let's talk today about Android and of the menu that has appeared for a few months to those who buy a new smartphone. We talked about this news a few months ago. We'll summarize it briefly for those who don't remember: Google it is no longer the Search engine default on new ones Android, you can in fact choose the one you prefer from a list of four search engines. As expected, however, DuckDuckGo has already disappeared from the menu Android in the choice of Search engine. Let's see together why.

Because Google allows you to choose the Search engine? Because it received a 5 billion fine from the EU for dominant position 1. How does Google choose which search engines users will be able to choose? (hold fast)
Every three months an auction is held where whoever offers the highest price will be positioned among the search engines to be used. Who does this money go to? Everything is fine Search engine will give Google this amount for each user who chooses it as default.

Google trolling the EU and other search engines

A real joke, in short.
The reasons why this is nonsense are quite clear: for one thing Google will continue to make money regardless of which Search engine a user chooses.

Furthermore, an auction of this type inevitably leads to enormous distortions. In fact, who can ever afford to pay more to be chosen? Obviously who monetize more and probably profiles more users will have more opportunities to make higher offers.

As expected, DuckDuckGo has disappeared from the Android menu

Ecosia, one of our favorite search engines, immediately pulled out of this squalid game by boycotting the auction 2. DuckDuckGo however, he still wanted to participate at the beginning when prices were controlled and in general because he believed it was correct that people could choose it as Search engine default.
The last auction which took place a few days ago led, as expected, to it almost disappearing completely DuckDuckGo among the search engines listed 3 despite it being the main one alternative to Google that users would like to use 4.

If you are interested you can read the in-depth analysis on the main blog DuckDuckGo at the address

Don't know English? Use the extension of Mate Translate to translate the entire page! We talk about it in our article on alternatives to Google Translate.

  1. Antitrust: Commission fines Google €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices[]
  2. Google's auction picks 'winners' for Android search[]
  3. Choice Screen Auction Options[]
  4. Search Preference Menu Immediately Increases Google Competitors' Market Share by 300-800%[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives