Phantom Analyzer

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Phantom Analyzer

This post was last updated by 3 years does

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ATTENTION: Unfortunately, the Phantom Analyzer site no longer exists. We have removed the links but are still leaving the article for archives.

It's in a few days Halloween, not that we're particularly interested in it (just like other holidays) but as you know there's always a good excuse to talk about something related to privacy! So we present to you the scary Phantom Analyzer, a scanner that will allow you to find out how many tracking pixels any site contains! Don't worry, we will also explain below what the heck is a tracking pixel!

Let's start immediately by thanking you because this report arrived 1 through ours Telegram group which is becoming more and more populated and offers truly interesting ideas every day. So Thank you, first thing.
Now let's talk about Phantom Analyzer!
It is a project created by the creators of Fathom Analytics. These are very interesting (although, truth be told, very expensive) statistics for sites. They do not collect personal data, they do not use it Cookies and seeing the their demos It seems like a really simple solution. The creators played on the name Fathom which resembles Phantom (ghost, in English) and decided to create this cute scanner tracking pixels.

Blacklight and Phantom Analyzer

Phantom Analyzer
Phantom Analyzer

We have already seen a very similar site very recently: if you remember its name is Blacklight. The two sites look very similar but are not exactly identical. Thanks to Blacklight in fact you will be able to discover tracers advertisers And Cookies are used on the analyzed websites.
Phantom Analyzer instead it seems only tracking pixels are analysed. We say it seems because on the site there is no real explanation of how it works, too bad. We are also notified if Google And Facebook they watch us hidden in the shadows.

Tracking pixels

But what are the tracking pixels? Unlike the most famous and well-known tracking carried out thanks to Cookies (what are the Cookies?) a tracking pixels it is, as you can imagine from the name, a simple and lowercase tracking pixels. A dot invisible to the human eye! Before you think badly: no, it's not black magic and it's not even a conspiracy invention. One of the most famous tracking pixels it is in fact that of Facebook: the Facebook pixel.

As well as i Cookies also tracking pixels they allow you to follow step by step what a user does while browsing a site. Marketing campaigns that will follow you everywhere 2. If possible they are even more disturbing than gods CookiesIn fact, they allow you to follow a user in more depth and, for example, thanks to conversion pixels, they also follow you during the purchase 3. In fact, it could also be contained within the classic email "Thank you for purchasing from us" 4.

That's why it's so important use secure emails and above all use gods Browsers who protect their privacy blocking tracking pixels. For example Firefox well set up or Brave. On Android instead you can use Bromite or DuckDuckGo Browsers. On iOS you can find Firefox or always the faithful DuckDuckGo. However, you will find all the necessary information in our article alternatives to Google Chrome.

So Phantom Analyzer will find out for you if a website contains any scary tracking pixels and if Google And Facebook they will know about your visit to that site. As always, we remind you that this risk does not exist here and will never exist.

  2. Tracking Pixels[]
  3. What's the difference between a Cookies, a pixel, and a tag?[]
  4. Conversion Pixels[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives