Windows 10 e la privacy

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Windows 10 and privacy

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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We just talked about it how to switch to Linux and how to try it without any risk. But why switch to Linux if you've always used Windows? Leaving aside the people who they can not switch to Linux for the most varied reasons, others perhaps stay on Windows because they don't know all the aspects Windows 10 and privacy. By the way, if you decide to stay on Windows Do yourself a favor and always keep it updated 1!

Disclaimer: This will be an article full of interesting links and programs. Don't do everything blindly, ours are just reflections and suggestions. Also they are just programs to help you disable some telemetry, Don't expect to become invisible. Some topics related to everyday privacy protection can be alternatives to Google DNS or for example the installation of Netguard for Android.

Windows 10 and privacy

Let's start with an article on the site PrivacyGuides whose title speaks for itself: “Don't use Windows 10 – It's a privacy nightmare2. In short, they touch it slowly.
In fact, they argue that Microsoft with Windows 10 it introduced a series of innovations that put the privacy of those who use it at risk. Some examples?

  • Data synchronization is enabled by default (app settings, history Browsers and WiFi you connected to)
  • Your device is tagged with a unique advertising ID and is used to serve you personalized advertisements from third-party advertisers.
  • Cortana can collect all your data (keys pressed, microphone, music you listen to, purchases and credit card information) 3
  • Microsoft can collect any personal data (identity, password, interests and habits, location data, content such as email, caller list, audio and video recordings)
  • Your data may be shared with third parties 4

Apart from this an analysis by The Verge shows us how Microsoft is infesting Windows 10 with annoying advertisements 5 and install popular applications without asking explicit permission 6. Something has improved slightly in recent years although with the release of the new Edge Microsoft is back with annoying and insistent messages to prove it (don't do it).

How to improve privacy in Windows 10

Use the following tools carefully and always read the relevant FAQs. Ours are just reading suggestions, we are in no way responsible for what you do with your computer.

One of the suggestions of PrivacyTools is to use a tool called W10Privacy. It is a free executable that will attempt to automatically disable some tracers of Windows 10. If you want to do it manually you can try the following this guide which offers very interesting ideas even if it remained stuck in the 1903 update of Windows 10 (why? Because whoever created it switched to Linux 😂)

Privacy is sexy

Another project that we really like is called Privacy is sexy and allows you to easily create a .bat script to run on your PC. What does this script do? You decide it! Flag here and there what you need. Very fun and above all super flexible and easy to use. Plus it's a project Open source 7.

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are also other interesting tools such as the one offered by MajorGeeks call Destroy Windows 10 Spying. There is also an additional tool Open source called WindowsSpyBlocker. Yet another called Bulk Crap Uninstaller which is mainly used to remove unwanted programs.

Another interesting program is Privatezilla which allows you to disable intrusive options with one click. If you then want to delve deeper into more complex systems to use, you may be interested in a script called Tron.

We also point out the existence of a tool called Blackbird which will help you block Windows telemetry and ads completely. They also accept donations in case you really like it.

There are many automatic programs to disable Microsoft telemetry

Another well-known, complete and widely used software is O&O ShutUp10. It is simple to use and allows you to enable and Easily disable telemetry on Windows 10. Another very similar program is WPD.

Many don't want to download free programs because "who knows how they make money". It's not conspiracy theory, on the contrary, in our opinion it's correct reasoning. Generally, however, this type of tool is made by true enthusiasts who don't want anything in return other than a few donations. However, if you don't trust it and want to pay for something at all costs, it also exists NTLite, with alone 40€ you take home a professional product.

Too many programs and too much confusion?

Have we left you even more confused than before? Here you go a comparative list Of all the privacy protection tools on Windows 10. This way it will be easier to choose what to use!

  1. From Windows to Alexa, the hot August of cybersecurity. How to defend yourself from malware and spies[]
  2. Don't use Windows 10 – It's a privacy nightmare[]
  3. Cortana and privacy[]
  4. Microsoft Privacy Statement[]
  5. Microsoft is infesting Windows 10 with annoying ads[]
  6. Hey Microsoft, Stop Installing Apps On My PC Without Asking[]
  7. Privacy is sexy on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives