Applicazioni utili in tempo di pandemia

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Useful applications in times of pandemic

Warning: This post was created 4 years does

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Thanks to a small discussion that arose within the our Telegram group and therefore following your reports we create this article which we think may be of common interest. We point out some useful applications in times of pandemic, obviously only applications Open source and which would be difficult to find a place and use in time normal.

As you may remember we have already talked about COVID-19 and of ethical alternatives to use while working from home. We have proposed to you help science and research on coronavirus. We also talked about digital solidarity Open source with a long list of projects, some still active, on the emergency COVID-19. Finally, we have certainly not ignored i problems of online school with the software closed.

Useful applications in times of pandemic

We therefore point out some interesting applications that may be useful to someone.

COVID-19 Italy

Let's start with this all-Italian application where it is possible to view the trend data of the pandemic National or Regional relating to a specific day. There are also comparative statistics, vertical bar graphs and it's all designed to be a quick and easy channel to consult.
It's strictly Open source 1 and is naturally free of tracers. You can find it on F-Droid.

Contact Diary

Another interesting application in times of pandemic. A diary where you can keep track of your contacts. She doesn't want to be either a competitor or one alternative to Immuni. It's just a way to manually keep track of your contacts so you know who to notify if we test positive. Of course you need to have the perseverance and desire to manually update the diary but the application is well made and simple to use. AND Open source 2, He has not tracers, it only requires a permit and above all does not require an internet connection. This way you can be sure that the data you enter are only yours. Furthermore, the entries are automatically deleted after 15 days. A good idea to keep track of your social life during this period. It is located both on F-Droid that on Play Store.

UUID 0xFD6F Scanner

An application Open source 3 very curious: it scans the environment around you and will tell you if there are devices around you running an application that uses the new Google and Apple Framework (the protocol that the Immuni application uses). It will therefore tell you how many it has found around you in real time and how many it has found since you activated it. This application is a scanner only, it does not use any Bluetooth Beacons or store any information about you or your detected devices.


Finally, let's mention the government application Immune. Regardless of whether or not we agree with its use, we do it because it is an application Open source 4 and we too bothered ourselves, in our own small way, to make this happen. Therefore it is impossible not to mention it in an article that talks about useful applications in times of pandemic. It can only be found on Play Store also because if you decide to have a smartphone without Google services it won't work so it would be a bit useless on F-Droid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  1. COVID-19 Italy on GitHub[]
  2. Contact Diary on GitHub[]
  3. UUID 0xFD6F Scanner on GitHub []
  4. Immuni on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives