Alternativa a Microsoft Teams

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Alternative to Microsoft Teams

Warning: This post was created 4 years does

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During this year's lockdown, the so-called Big Tech companies are the companies that earned the most. Amazon added 400 billion to its capital (How much does Jeff Bezos earn?), Apple 219 billion e Microsoft thanks also to Teams 269.9 billion 1. LeAlternative was also born for this reason: while in the world alternative it often gets lost on the sex of angels, Big Tech accumulates money and consequently power. We try as much as possible to offer simple alternatives that can be used by anyone. That's why today we'll talk to you about Twake, one alternative to Microsoft Teams.

We have already talked about ethical alternatives during the lockdown, such as the article on digital solidarity or on alternatives to Zoom. There was also a collaboration with friends of Digital Ethics with the article Alternatives in the time of COVID-19 where we talk about Jitsi and so on. Still on the subject of Microsoft, we recently did an article on alternatives to Skype. Not to mention the beautiful project where anyone can lend its server to make secure video calls.

Twake: the alternative to Microsoft Teams

What we were missing was a real alternative to Microsoft Teams. So here comes Twake to our rescue! Twake is a service Open source 2 with a free part and a paid part 3. The free one is obviously limited with only one workspace and 1GB of cloud space. The paid version costs €9 per month per user but offers almost everything unlimited.

The features of Twake are very similar to those of Microsoft Teams, so you can propose it as an ethical and functional alternative to your boss or your clients. It can be used via the web at or via the client for Windows, macOS And Linux. You can also try the premium version for free for a month, so as to fully test its features.

If you decide to try it let us know what you think about it our subreddit or through any other social network!

  1. The winners of the crisis: those who gained during the pandemic[]
  2. Twake on GitHub[]
  3. Twake pricing[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives