La rivincita di Signal

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Signal's revenge

This post was last updated by 4 months does

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Let's continue and conclude Saturday's article where we talked about Whatsapp and of Facebook. Let's make an exception to the rule because we don't usually talk too much about current affairs and we don't want that Whatsapp monopolize our attention. In fact, in this article we will mainly talk about Signal's revenge and a little bit too Telegram.

That of Whatsapp is a major change because its acquisition by Facebook it was born with good intentions, in words obviously. It was in fact specified as Whatsapp would always remain independent and autonomous and that not much would change for users 1. Now, however, data will be officially exchanged in order to better profile users and above all it will be mandatory to allow him to do so for those who use it Whatsapp out ofEurope. As we said a few days ago, this change should not be valid here, probably thanks to European laws that better protect citizens' privacy.

This obviously doesn't mean "hurray, we're safe, who cares about others". What they are doing is, in our opinion, serious and in some way it will also affect European citizens, for example all those who communicate on a daily basis with people outside the EU. However, sensationalism should not be done so it is also right to report things as they are. If you want to learn more about this topic, we suggest other very interesting ideas: WhatsApp and privacy: either accept or delete the account, WhatsApp on data sharing with Facebook And this Twitter thread Of Enrico Ferraris.

Signal's revenge

But enough about it now Whatsapp And Facebook. Let's finally talk a little about Signal. Signal is most likely the best alternative to Whatsapp when it comes to safety, and right now he's gloating quite a bit 2. In fact, it is the most downloaded application in many countries 3 (no, not in Italy also in Italy, finally! 4). Its servers were literally taken by storm so much so that on Saturday evening (Italian time) not even the messages for the approval of one's telephone number during registration were received. 5. The situation resolved after a few hours but it is a sign of how many people want to use, or at least try, Signal.

That Signal be sure it is certainly not just us who say it but it has always also been recommended by Snowden. And he does it somewhat in his own way by saying that he is sure of the safety of Signal because he uses it every day and is still alive 6.

Snowden on Twitter

Signal or Telegram?

However, many are wondering what to do these days. Signal or Telegram, for example? We actually answer: a bit of both. We don't really like wars between valid open applications and we think that the two applications are not exactly superimposable.
Signal thanks to yours too End-to-end encryption set by default on all chats, is very similar to Whatsapp in operation. Telegram it is equally safe but only when the so-called is activated secret chat. However, this does not mean that our messages are read and used by Telegram for profiling or to be resold to third parties. Telegram in fact he says not to do it and there is no reason to think otherwise. In fact, we remind you that Telegram applications, both for iOS that for Android, I am Open source 7.

Telegram also has a whole series of functions that make it a truly unique application: from bots to channels passing through its cloud. In short, it is not said that one necessarily has to choose between Telegram And Signal. Substitute Whatsapp with Signal It's definitely a great idea. But we suggest you keep it too Telegram installed because it offers a series of services that are unparalleled today.
Oh by the way, read the hilarious response from Durov (the owner of Telegram) to the move of Whatsapp And Facebook: here the original of Durov, here the translation of Rachele Zinzocchi. Durov has written a lot these days, here a summary of everything he said.

On Signal everything is encrypted end-to-end

Signal but he doesn't sit idly by and has recently added the encrypted group video calls 8. On Signal you can create groups, just like on Whatsapp. The groups are also all end-to-end encrypted 9 and even his own sticker I am 10. The GIFs on the other hand are taken from Giphy which is recently property of Facebook. Signal but it reassures you that even using them there is no way to trace them back to you because they act as a "shield", so to speak 11. However, we hope they still change the service so as not to use anything owned by Facebook.
One of the first things he did Telegram in fact it was precisely to remove Giphy as a GIF tool.

Signal's revenge: how does it maintain itself?

But how does he earn? Signal?
The business of Signal it's not a secret. Signal it earns only and exclusively through donations from individual users and the many associations that support it 12. Basing your business on donations can be risky so let's hope they all know what they're doing.

With Signalfinally, no data will ever be associated with you nor will it be possible to use it for profiling.
Let's hope though Signal really have his revenge and that it takes hold here too Italy where it has gained some ground but significantly less than in other markets. To be on the safe side, always keep it installed, you never know, the more people you find when you sign up, the more chance there is that it will be used 🙂

Oh one last thing regarding that Signal. We would like to point out this, which in our opinion is excellent and interesting, post on Reddit where we are talking about Signal and of the so-called FUD (Fear, uncertainty and doubt). The summary is: don't make people anxious because Signal asks for your mobile number to register. Care about your privacy it doesn't necessarily mean wanting to be anonymous and the mobile phone is requested to accommodate the type of people to whom Signal wants to talk.

Because if instead of the cell phone PINs, codes or other things were asked for, it would be a further barrier to mass use.
Using Signal you will not be anonymous but your privacy will be protected because no data will be associated with you. You will not be profiled e you have absolute certainty that no message will ever be read. Signal is thinking of also adding a username and password to protect those who want to use it too Signal anonymously.

However the creators of Signal they don't seem very interested in the community's requests. For example, there is a component of their platform that allows a government to trace your IP rather than hide it. A very dangerous situation for those who live in states at risk and yet ignored to date by the developers.

  1. Clarifications – Whatsapp Blog[]
  2. Signal on Twitter[]
  3. Look at what you've done[]
  4. Precisely Private on Twitter[]
  5. Signal fixes verification delays caused by WhatsApp mass exodus[]
  6. Snowden on Twitter[]
  7. Telegram applications[]
  8. Adding Encrypted Group Calls to Signal/[]
  9. Technology Preview: Signal Private Group System[]
  10. Make privacy stick[]
  11. Tweet by Moxie Marlinspike[]
  12. Signal Foundation[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives