Search for Planet

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Search for Planet

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Today we are talking to you about a project that is as simple as it is interesting!
We have already talked about this in the past ethical alternatives for search engines. Generally these alternatives use i Microsoft servers to show the results. These search engines donate a large portion, often more than 50%, of their profits to various environmental and ethical causes. Let's see together what the project is Search for Planet, which we care a lot about.

We are talking about different search engines such as Ecosia, Lilo, Givero, Elliot For Water, Ekoru And giveWater. In fact, each of these donates a large part of its profits to environmental or solidarity projects.

What it does for us Search for Planet? It allows us to use a every time Search engine random among these! If you don't know which cause to participate in, thanks to Search for Planet you can participate in all causes without any preference!

Remember that if you use projects like this it is good practice disable the advertising blocker on their pages is that they are not search engines at all privacy oriented. If you are trying not to be totally profiled, we refer you to our article on alternatives to Google Search. In this article we will only talk about search engines that donate part of their profits to help the environment and promote social causes.

Search for Planet

This all-Italian project Open source 1 it is the work of Dummy-X. We immediately appreciated and promoted the project so much that we wanted to adopt it initially with a simple redirect of our domain:
It is also probable that we will soon put up our own “Instance” right at this address. Initially, however, we want to support the project by making you go directly to the original domain.

Search for Planet asks for a donation to survive and to repay the use of the server: contributions exceeding the maximum value equivalent to the cost of the server will not be accepted. To donate you can go to this page: You can also donate just 1 cent a week to support the project!

Which search engines are included?

Five search engines are currently included, let's see which ones. If you think another one should be added, you can also collaborate by proposing it on Gitea (yes, it's aalternative to GitHub).

  • Ecosia is perhaps the most famous of all, in fact it promises to plant trees thanks to advertising revenue! They have already planted millions of them 2 and they have no intention of stopping. They recently also opened a shop where it is possible give trees as gifts and another where they can buy t-shirts to help them in this important mission.
  • giveWater, is a non-profit company that uses part of its profits to donate to charitable partners who use the funds to provide clean water and sanitation where it is needed most.
  • Elliot For Water, this project also focuses on water. Its mission is to provide millions of people with access to safe drinking water. They donate 60% of their profits to clean water projects.
  • Lilo, Search engine French that finances solidarity projects. Every month, 50% of the profits generated thanks to internet searches are redistributed to the many solidarity projects. They really have a lot of them 3 and if there is one you particularly care about, you can memorize drops (the equivalent of your research) and decide to donate only to that project.
  • Ekoru, they also take care of donating the 60% of their earnings 4 to associations that clean up the oceans 5. Plus all their servers are powered by hydroelectricity.
  • Givero, also in this case 50% of the profits are given to solidarity and environmental causes. In fact, they are involved in helping projects to help children, animals and the Earth 6.
  1. source code on Gythea[]
  2. The Ecosia Blog[]
  3. Discover the projects you can help with your internet research[]
  4. So all of the money generated is being donated to the highlighted causes?[]
  5. Every Search Helps Remove Plastic and Reforests Our Oceans[]
  6. Select good causes[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives