Perdere tempo online: quarta parte

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Wasting time online: part four

Warning: This post was created 3 years does

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Here we are with a new episode of wasting time online: part four. For those who missed the previous episodes (the Before, the second and the third) is a collection that we do every now and then where we insert some beautiful ones projects Open source that would not find space elsewhere. It is one of the reasons why the project was born TheAlternatives: collect the little gems found on the internet and don't let them stay buried and hidden forever.

Here's wasting time online: part four

Heart vector created by starline –

WebGL Fluid Simulation

The first site we leave you is a fluid simulator Open source 1. Play with colors and many other settings and create your own wonderful simulation! There is also an app onApp Store.
We warn you that it works very well and very quickly for us only on Firefox, on others Browsers Unfortunately it slowed down a lot.

Three.js Ballooning

Another project Open source 2 with whom waste some time online! Drive this hot air balloon using the keyboard with the left and right keys. Travel through beautiful landscapes and observe the wonders of (digital) nature.


One of the most fun and useful projects! A collection of all tweets deleted by politicians of all the nations of the World! For example, just go to this address to discover all the tweets deleted by Italian politicians. A nice project Open source 3 to expose some lies or even just to use as an archive.

Another very nice project. Watch streams that no one is watching. it is in fact a project Open source 4 which will allow you to only follow Twitch streams without any visitors. A really fun and innovative idea!

  1. WebGL Fluid Simulation[]
  2. Three.js Ballooning on GitHub[]
  3. Politwoops on GitHub[]
  4. Nobody.Live on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives