App invasive

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Invasive apps

This post was last updated by 3 years does

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A new study 1 conducted by pCloud, a cloud storage company we talked about in the article about alternatives to Google Drive, lets us know that Instagram it is the most invasive app on the market.

Not that we had any doubts, we know well that the applications of Zuckerberg I am invasive and definitely little attention to privacy. And this is also the main reason why we think you shouldn't trust Whatsapp despite the much shouting End-to-end encryption.

Table from the pCloud blog

Invasive apps: Instagram wins

As you know we really like tables and graphs, even if they should always be taken with a grain of salt like all simplifications, because they are a perfect practical example to better understand online privacy issues.

This table created by pCloud summarizes which data is collected and which of these are shared with third parties.

As you can see Instagram wins by far over all other applications. The data she collects and shares are many and she is closely followed by Facebook ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

We see that there is very important data and very personal as the location, i contacts, the search history and so much more.

Other invasive applications

Other famous applications worthy of note and widely used in Italy are Uber And Uber Eats, eBay, Just Eat, LinkedIn (HI Microsoft), Twitter And YouTube. Also Reddit, as we know, unfortunately it's not the best when it comes to online privacy.

To arrive at these conclusions they analyzed the Apple's privacy tables. As we know indeed Apple for some time he has been saying that he is focusing everything on privacy, even if he does it his own way.

However, without dwelling too much on why Apple is doing this fight against privacy, what came out of these privacy labels it is always very interesting and above all it allows even those who do not know technicalities to understand something.

“Privacy” by g4ll4is is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The pCloud study

We recommend that you read the study in its entirety pCloud. Contains other interesting tables such as which applications collect the most data on their own And which applications collect data in general, for themselves or to pass it on to third parties.

We also allow ourselves a bit of irony: inside the article by pCloud there is also a table where they are List the applications that do not pass data on to third parties for marketing And pCloud does not appear among these 🤦‍♂️.

What do you think? How many applications are you somehow forced to use among those on the list? We are waiting for you on ours group Telegram or on our room Matrix to discuss it!

  1. Invasive apps[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives