Tracciare gli sport con l’open source

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Tracking sports with open source

This post was last updated by 1 year does

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Spring began a few days ago and many people set off again in this period to do some sport outside the city. We have already seen which ones alternative smartwatches they can also be used to track your sporting activities if necessary. But how track sports withOpen source? What alternatives do we have to the most famous and renowned applications and, unfortunately, often full of tracers and advertising 1?

We will discover in this article that there are several very interesting applications for track your sporting activity. All the applications we will tell you about are Open source and strictly without tracers of any kind. Even the authorizations that will be requested are generally minimal.

Tracking one's physical activities is important for someone and not everyone wants to give up their personal data to the usual advertising companies for yet another profiling. Or, worse than ever, use applications like Google Fit so as to give as a gift to Google beyond our research and of our sexual tastes also the our weight, the our highness, the our frequency cardiac and so on.

Nature vector created by pch.vector –

Track sports withOpen source

That's why we believe it's important that a similar application doesn't matter tracers advertising and therefore does not sell our data to third parties and is also Open source. Our biometric data they must remain ours.

AAT Another Activity Tracker

Open source
for Android

This is the first application that comes to mind to recommend. It is very complete, it uses GPS to store the traces of our movements and saves them in .gpx so that they can be shared with other applications. You can use offline maps and is integrated with Overpass And Named. It's a project Open source 2 and you can only find it on F-Droid. If you like it and use it often you can also do it a donation to the developer.


Open source
for Android

It's a Trackers for a very interesting sporting activity. Also in this case there are many functions and you can track any type of training very easily: from running to cycling. You will be able to know the calories spent, the average speed, the route and much more. There is no advertising, there are none tracers 3 and it is totally free and Open source 4. It can be found both on F-Droid that on Play Store. As always we advise you to donate to developers if the application is to your liking.


Open source
for Android

This is also a Trackers for physical and sporting activity. You can also decide to share your data with someone, it allows the use of Bluetooth to monitor your heart rate and you can also use offline maps complete with a built-in compass. This too is totally devoid of tracers and advertising 5, And Open source 6 and can be downloaded either on Play Store what up F-Droid. Also always on F-Droid find gods OpenStreetMap control panels for OpenTracks. It is also recommended here donate to developers if you use the application consistently.


Open source
for Android

An excellent application Open source to track your run or activity. A route is created across the map and there are tons of cool options and features. The version for F-Droid is not complete as there are some components that do not go along with the ethics of F-Droid such as the use of MapBox and compatibility with WearOS. In the version on the Play Store you will find everything.

Trail Sense

Open source
for Android

It is not a real application for playing sports but it is really very useful for walking. It is in fact a compass for our smartphone that helps us find north and, when combined with GPS, can be used to navigate to predefined locations. Very useful and very interesting as a “Swiss Army Knife” app for walking. AND Open source 7 and it is found on F-Droid and also on Play Store. Thanks for letting us know.


available for iOS
Open source

Thanks to your report on group Telegram we also offer you this application Open source 8 For Apple. Useful for recording and viewing outdoor workouts. It supports not only running, but also walking, hiking, cycling and skating.

Thanks to GoldenCheetah finally, an application Open source 9, you can analyze your training data.

We will make an ad hoc article later but if you are looking for a simple one instead pedometer you can try Paseo on F-Droid or Pedometer if you want something available it is on Play Store what up F-Droid.

  1. Example of Trackers for physical activity on the Play Store[]
  2. AAT on GitHub[]
  3. FitoTrack on Exodus[]
  4. FitoTrack on Codeberg[]
  5. OpenTracks on Exodus[]
  6. OpenTracks on GitHub[]
  7. Trail Sense on GitHub[]
  8. source code of Out-Run[]
  9. source code by GoldenCheetah[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives