Quanto guadagnano le Big Tech ogni minuto?

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How much do Big Tech earn every minute?

This post was last updated by 3 years does

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Let's return with this infographic to talk about how much Big Tech earns. We are mainly referring to the article on how much does Jeff Bezos earn. In fact, on that occasion we presented you with a site that managed to put things in a more human perspective. Because when we talk about multibillionaires we always have that feeling of talking about gods gazillions by Scrooge McDuck. The site we presented to you on that occasion was Wealth, shown to scale. Perfect for putting things to scale.

Today's infographic is created by the site Visual Capitalist. We often use their infographics if remembered well. One of the most beautiful ones we have used can be found inside this article and talk about how Big Tech makes money.

Also on this occasion those of Visual Capitalist they managed to graphically render something that is often difficult to perceive: How much do Big Tech earn every minute? Much. Very, very much. And probably too much.

It's also a bit of the reason why we propose it to you ethical alternatives and more human. Bringing respect for man and our planet back to the center of everything, and not profit.

Let's see the infographic now. By clicking on it you can see it in full screen.

How much do Big Tech earn every minute?

Infographic by Visual Capitalist

L'article by Visual Capitalist explains to us how the pandemic has pushed online activities and the actions of Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, Alphabet And Netflix we have benefited immensely from it.

Amazon he earns $955,000 a minute. Apple 848 thousand. Alphabet (Google) earns 433 thousand, Microsoft 327 thousand e Facebook 213 thousand. Tesla 81 thousand e Netflix Alone 50 thousand. On average these 7 companies they earn a whopping 416 thousand dollars a minute.

Now let's take a deep breath and try to rethink too as Big Tech makes money. Google And Facebook, for example, practically only thanks to advertising and, therefore, also to our data.

Amazon among these, it is the company that earns the most. If you are interested, we can read our article on alternatives to Amazon we report, constantly updated, articles on why it is necessary, in our opinion, try to distance itself from Amazon too.

We leave each of you with your own conclusions, and if you have something to comment we are waiting for you on our subreddit, on the our group Telegram and in the our room Matrix.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives