Tutti contro Google FLoC

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Everyone against Google FLoC

This post was last updated by 3 years does

This is a text automatically translated from Italian. If you appreciate our work and if you like reading it in your language, consider a donation to allow us to continue doing it and improving it.

The new project of Google to protect privacy (in their own way) called Google Sandbox not everyone likes it. If you don't know what it is Google FLoC we invite you to read our article What is Google FLoC? In short: Google wants to eliminate i Cookies third party to replace them with a system cohorts developed by them. Instead of listening to the doubts of experts on privacy, Google is therefore doing its own thing everyone against Google FLoC.

The first to be against is the ANDelectronic Frontier Ffoundation with the item Google's FLoC Is a Terrible Idea translated into Italian by Thirty-nine – The network to come and hosted from us too thanks to the license Creative Commons. The EFF has also created an automatic tool called Am I FLoCed? where you can find out if your Chrome is part of the experimental trial. In fact, 0.5% of users in some states are already experimenting, unknowingly, with this new system.

The Google FLoC experimentation

In Italy the trial has not (yet) started for now, in fact the test is only for users living in Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines and the United States. Keep aside this link but why sooner or later will also arrive in Italy and if you use Chrome or a Browsers based on Chromium it might be useful to you.

Chromium, for those who don't know, is the project Open source created by Google 1 on which it is based Chrome and many others Browsers 2.

Everyone against Google FLoC

In addition to EFF, Google it has obviously also attracted other enemies.

DuckDuckGo has already announced 3 to block the identification system via Google FLoC thanks to its extension. And also the Browsers Brave, which we remember to be a Fork Of Chromium, recently published a post warning that the code regarding FLoC has already been removed from its applications nightly (these are the ones that arrive before the betas) desktop and Android 4.

Furthermore, several sites have already removed permissions for Google FLoC to collect data through your site by inserting the following code into the Permissions Policy HTTP response header:

Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=()

The sites of DuckDuckGo, Brave, The Markup, The Guardian and also all the GitHub Pages 5 for example they have already done it. And, of course, so do we.

Edge and Vivaldi

Obviously it doesn't end here, when we say that everyone is against it Google FLoC we really mean anyone. Beyond Brave Also Vivaldi (other Fork Of Chromium), has decided to remove FLoC from its Browsers 6.

Second this article by The Verge also other Browsers based on Chromium, as Opera, they will deactivate FLoC from theirs Browsers. Also Edge he's not particularly thrilled about it 7.

Even WordPress against FLoC?

If these days you have read around That WordPress will block FLoC by default you know that this is not true.

The real news, without clickbait, is that the community of WordPress he is discussing a proposal 8 to disable it by default and only those who want should be able to activate it 9. The discussion, however, is still ongoing and the owner of WordPress.com said:

Contrary to headlines, “WordPress” hasn't made any decisions or changes yet with regards to #FLoC. It is more correct to say there is a proposal from a WP contributor to block FLoC by default.

Matt Mullenweg on Twitter

You have WordPress and you already want to disable it without waiting for the decision? You can use This plugins (thank you for your suggestion arrived on Telegram) or insert the lines of code you find into the functions.php file here.

Same thing regarding the author of the extension uBlock Origin seems to be of the same mind. An ad hoc filter will be created just to block FLoC 10.

We will follow this new one carefully war Between Browsers. We find it could be a new watershed for changes. Self Chrome and a few others will remain the only ones Browsers to track users and show advertisements (uBlock it may no longer work Chrome 11 and it already works better now Firefox 12) many people may want to change Browsers. And in this case Firefox And Brave they absolutely must be ready.

Brave, for those who have doubts being a Fork Of Chromium, it doesn't bring these problems with it. The his shield is included in the Browsers and therefore it does not follow i whims Of Google.

  1. Chromium on Wikipedia[]
  2. Browsers based on Chromium[]
  3. Use the DuckDuckGo Extension to Block FLoC, Google's New Tracking Method in Chrome[]
  4. Why Brave Disables FLoC[]
  5. GitHub Pages: Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=() Header added to all pages sites[]
  6. No, Google! Vivaldi users will not get FLoC'ed.[]
  7. Nobody is flying to join Google's FLoC[]
  8. Proposal: Treat FLoC like a security concern[]
  9. WordPress may automatically disable Google FLoC on websites[]
  10. Block Floc checks in Chrome/uBO[]
  11. Chrome extension manifest v3 proposal[]
  12. uBlock Origin works best on Firefox[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives