Cos’è Matrix?

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What is the Matrix?

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For some time some mysterious writings have appeared on our website. In fact, let's talk about Matrix, to follow us into rooms Matrix and we have also added the logo to the social networks in which we are present Matrix. But what what is the Matrix? We are obviously not referring to the film of the same name, but to a very interesting open protocol. Let's see it together.

Matrix it's a sort of return to the origins of the internet and that's why we like it a lot. In fact, it aims to solve the problems of similar existing protocols 1, but very dated, such as IRC And XMPP. The problem with messaging apps, beyond the individual merits/defects of each, is that you can only talk to those who have signed up to that same messaging app.

But how great would it be to be able to use chats like emails? Here, let's take emails as an example, to understand each other better.

Let's leave the genius out of this discussion for a moment Delta Chat which deserves a separate article. Delta Chat in fact, it uses the email server network to be able to chat with anyone using that very protocol. We talked about it briefly in the article dedicated to alternatives to Whatsapp.

Back to emails: Today you can email anyone from any email address. You don't care if your friend stopped by Gmail to ProtonMail or ad Outlook because at most you will have to change the address and you are sure you can write to him.

It's not the same for messaging chats: if a friend of yours uses Whatsapp you can write to him only if you also sign up on Whatsapp. This is a huge limit and puts nothing short of gigantic power in the hands of a single company.

Background vector created by starline –

What is the Matrix?

Matrix try to remedy all this.

The Matrix is in fact a open protocol to communicate through chat, VoIP And video calls. What does it mean? That potentially there can be infinite applications, all different from each other, that use the same protocol. Therefore, no longer being tied to a company but being able to choose any application to chat with anyone, without limits. As we said before, it aims to replace protocols IRC And XMPP. Here is a summary table:

Element up Twitter.

The protocol Matrix it also allows the use of bot (like Telegram) and above all of bridges (bridge) that allow you to do truly wonderful things. For example us thanks to one of these bridges we created one chat on Telegram connected with one Matrix room. It means that anyone who enters this chat on Telegram can automatically talk to users of the relative room up Matrix. It's all in sync.

There are already companies that are trying to exploit this peculiarity of Matrix. For example Beeper which allows you to write to all possible applications (including also Whatsapp, Telegram, WeChat, Twitter) taking advantage of the protocol itself Matrix and his bridge. Element also recently created its own Element One of which we also wrote a review here.

What is the Matrix? The bots

We decided to open a room in Matrix precisely because we believe that the project TheAlternatives is mature enough to do so. Furthermore. as we always said, we will be always present on social networks traditional but we advise against its use and always invite you to follow us and prefer alternative means.

Matrix it is one of these although unfortunately few people still use it. So don't expect to find the same people inside Facebook or up Telegram. But it has potential in our opinion: it is easy to use and it is very user-friendly and that's why we support its use.

Matrix in short, it's not just another messaging app where you can just bring your friends. Matrix it's probably the final monster which should be reached. As we know, in fact, it is harmful and tiring to bring friends onto new platforms, convincing them every time that the new one is better than the old one because its owner is nicer and less attached to money than the previous one. The ultimate goal is the open and free protocol And Matrix can help us in this endeavor.

Screenshot of the official website of Element

All that glitters is not gold

Although we are generally quite enthusiastic about it Matrix it doesn't solve all the problems of the world of messaging apps. For example it looks like a server Matrix different metadata collections 2, unfortunately we were unable to find more precise and above all more recent information regarding this aspect. Even if to date there are no companies ready to resell them to third parties or use them for profiling, no one could stop them from doing so in the future. The peculiarity of the open protocol, however, is also this: if the server Matrix to which you are registered is starting to become unethical according to your standards, it will be enough to move to another server and you will still be able to continue talking to our friends.

Just like with emails: it's just when you discovered that Google read your emails to make targeted advertising 3 you have stopped using emails. You are alone passed to another company which offers you a service best suited to you.

Matrix, Telegram, Whatsapp and Signal

If any of you are wondering: “but why then do you mainly recommend Signal And Telegram in the place of Whatsapp?”. Why TheAlternatives it is intended to be a crossing point: it is almost impossible to convince someone to pass by Whatsapp to Matrix also due to the incomplete maturity of the project. Instead, it may be simpler to talk to him about privacy and bring him up first Signal or Telegram (which is already a good compromise) and then let him know too Matrix. That's all.

Being decentralized anyone can open a Matrix server and allow people to register, just like you do with Mastodon (what it is and how it works Mastodon?). However, we try to make your life easy and if you have decided to try this new messaging chat you can try the reference app called Element and which will allow you to register on the main server on Click here to sign up. Registration is very simple and almost identical to any other messaging system, with the difference that you will not be asked for any telephone number.

Alternatively you can try one of the many Matrix servers. We always remind you that even by registering on a different server you will still be able to talk to all the people on the other servers and also enter our room. For the list of servers you can take a look here:

Once you have signed up and registered you can come and visit us in our room.

Other applications beyond Element

As we were saying, however, there are various applications for the Matrix. We suggest two that we think are the cutest: SchildiChat (a Fork Of Element) And FluffyChat.

For most geeks here you will find a list of available applications and servers.

We hope we were able to explain to you what is the Matrix and to get curious enough to try it. One of our dreams is to be able to invite people with a decent online following to these places.

In fact, we believe it is fundamental that those who have many followers join this fight for privacy. It is an invitation above all to those fighting on the front lines to defend privacy: act as a megaphone for these extraordinary alternatives, don't rest on the many followers of Twitter, Facebook And Instagram.

  1. On Wikipedia[]
  2. Serpent Security[]
  3. Google will stop looking at your emails to create targeted adverts[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives