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One of the most recent innovations of the non-profit organization Framasoft And Mobilizon, the perfect alternative for Facebook events! For those who don't know the Framasoft group is one of the most active organizations for the promotion of free software. They deliver dozens of services free alternatives and are among the main supporters, as well as developers, of the project PeerTube (L'alternative to Youtube).

With Mobilizon Let's go back to talking about an alternative that we have already mentioned in the past. It is in fact, as we said, a perfect one alternative to Eventbrite, garlic Facebook events, to Meetups and to all other companies that offer a service for the publication of events.

Why are we talking about it again? We also do it because just a few days ago theInstance Italian by Mobilizon managed by collective devol (maybe you will remember them for, really more).


Let's take a very short step back trying not to bore you too much. First of all, it's software Open source 1 It is free 2. It means that anyone can see the code and above all that anyone can create their own Mobilizon.

It is also a federated software and to better understand what it means we invite you to read the our article on Mastodon. In summary for those in a hurry: anyone can create their own server Mobilizon and connect it with all other servers Mobilizon. It means that users registered on can communicate with users registered on without there being a centralized server that controls and manages everything.

Mobilizon it is also a software wanted and sought by the community who financed it with over 1360 donors 3.

Screenshots of

The ethical alternative to Facebook events!

What is it Mobilizon? On the site we read the slogan: "Easy to use, an ethical and emancipatory tool for gathering, organizing and mobilizing". So let's talk about a really useful tool, without tracers nor advertising, to advertise ed events planning Of every kind!

Its use is really simple and immediate: if you want to participate in an event, just click on Participate. You can then decide whether to receive email notifications before the event or on the day itself. Also create an event it's very simple! You can set an image, a title and some tags to be able to index it within the whole Mobilizon. You can add the location and of course the start and end date of the event.

The beauty of being able to enter an address without going through Google Maps but using the open maps Of OpenStreetMap, we warn you, it really is priceless! ❤

Finally, you can set various settings to make the event public or private, to allow anonymous people to participate or to accept only people registered on Mobilizon. You can also decide to approve each individual request for participation and finally indicate a maximum number of places available. In short, in our opinion it's a bomb and we hope it will be used as much as possible instead of the classics Facebook events!

And that's not all: there are also mobile applications, currently only available for Android and you can find it on F-Droid what up Google Play.

  1. source code on FramaGit[]
  2. License[]
  3. Hall of honor[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives