Perdere tempo online: quinta parte

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Wasting time online: part five

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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We have already arrived at fifth part of the review wasting time online (all the others here)! How time passes when you're having fun 😁 Let's briefly remember what this review is for: up TheAlternatives we have fun talking about good projects Open source often known by few people. However, these projects are not always the case they deserve a dedicated article because maybe they are simple and there really isn't much to say.

So we came up with the review Wasting time online where we talk about some project Open source fun to mess around with a bit!

Wasting time online: part five

  • Wobblepaint, this is part of the project Pico-8 a sort of fantasy console invented a few years ago. Wobblepaint it's a game Open source created for this console. It's actually a very nice waving paint to look at. Wobble, in fact, actually means to sway/stagger.
  • Lorembarnak, we assume that you have all heard of the lorem ipsum. It's a placeholder text meaningless used by graphic designers and programmers to fill drafts. A curiosity that not everyone knows: Lorem Ipsum has been around since the 1500s 1! Tabarnak instead it is an ancient French expression from Quebec, a very particular blasphemy of the region where modified sacred words are used 2. Lorembarnak it's a project Open source 3 which unites these two things and is therefore, in fact, a random French-Canadian blasphemy generator. A vulgar lorem ipsum, in short!
Music vector created by gstudioimagen –

Pollution and music

  • electricityMap, we have already seen this project Open source 4 in the article Internet CO2 emissions. It's a interactive map where you can see a carbon intensity rating of electricity consumed by states that release the data publicly!
  • Lo-Fi Player, lo-fi music has been very fashionable in recent years, many Youtube channels have also been created with millions of subscribers 5. They are, to put it simply, endless playlists of relaxing music. Lo-Fi Player he is a player Open source 6 of lo-fi music where you can edit practically everything to adapt the music to your every need! For example, you can add the sound of sea waves or insert bass, drums or piano as you wish.
  • Rainwave Video Game Music Radio, this is a project Open source really very nice. It's an endless playlist of video game music. The peculiarity is that you can choose, by voting, which will be the next song on the playlist! A bit like what was once done with text messages in programs that broadcast music videos (or is it still done?)
  1. Lorem ipsum on Wikipedia[]
  2. Quebec French profanity[]
  3. Lorembarnak on GitHub[]
  4. source code electricityMap[]
  5. I was wondering if you wanted to be young and sad together[]
  6. Lo-Fi Player on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives