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After telling you about social networks which are part of the fediverse as Mastodon, of free video platforms and alternatives to YouTube such as PeerTube the time has finally come to talk to you about music and of podcasts! And to do this we could only pull free software out of the hat 1 exceptional and with great potential that is called Funkwhale!

Screenshots of Funkwhale

Funkwhale it is a fairly recent project, its first stable version was in fact released in September 2020 2.
But what is Funkwhale? We quote from the official website of the project:

Funkwhale is a community-driven project that lets you listen and share music and audio in a free, decentralized network.



So as you may have already understood, it is a social platform that allows you to share music and audio with anyone. To do this it uses decentralization and is also part of the fediverse. One of instances Italian companies are managed by collective Devol.

Let us always remember the meaning of Instance in this context: anyone can set up a server with the software installed on it to run Funkwhale. Anyone can therefore create their own Instance and connect it with all the others. If you want to know more about this you can read the our article related to Mastodon where we explain its meaning and functioning well.

This video is served thanks to the decentralized platform and Open source PeerTube, through one of the Italian instances: PeerTube does not collect data of any kind and does not use it Cookies. However, it is important that you know that by playing this video you may reveal your IP address to third parties.

Music and podcasts

Thanks to Funkwhale you will be able to share the music you love and above all discover new ones.

In addition to music, however, there are also podcasts which are also very fashionable lately. In fact, all authors who want to publish their work freely can use it Funkwhale as a support platform for theirs podcasts!

Screenshots of Funkwhale

Thanks to Funkwhale you can distribute your podcasts without advertising and without bizarre intermediaries. You can also embed podcasts on any site without fear of it being flooded with tracers and of Cookies various. For example, this below is the embed of a podcast called “Back To The Origins" Of Sara Freddoni who talks about literature in an unconventional way. The whole thing was broadcast on Radio Unitio and made available to everyone thanks toInstance

Hoping to have aroused your curiosity, we leave you with the latest clarifications. These projects are free and live thanks to donations, so if you intend to use them it is always welcome free donation to pay and maintain all the ambaradan which, we assure you, does not come cheap.

The apps for Funkwhale

In addition to the site you can also use the application: there is an app Open source 3 and officially available for Android on Google Play or F-Droid.

Or you can follow your favorite podcasts on free applications like AntennaPod.

We also quote from the site “supports a subset of the Subsonic API, making it compatible with existing clients such as DSub And Substreamers for Android and iOS, or Clementines And Strawberry for desktop. You can also listen and download music with Kodi using the subsonic audio plugin.”

One last important thing: if you like the idea and concept of this software, it's important to talk about it. Share it with friends and try to convince important authors too to put their files even on free platforms such as Funkwhale.

  1. source code[]
  2. Release 1.0[]
  3. source code of the Funkwhale app[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives