Green pass: le alternative open source

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Green pass: open source alternatives

This post was last updated by 3 years does

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Let's talk a bit about current events and thanks to one your report on Telegram it occurred to us to create this article: Green pass, the alternatives Open source. Obviously we won't offer you alternatives to the green pass or suggest terrible Telegram channels where to find fake ones.

What we will do with this article is tell you about some applications Open source that can make your life a little easier during this period.

Green pass: the alternatives Open source

Update: given that the topic has created a bit of confusion, it is right to specify that there are applications to verify green passes and applications to show it. They do two different things: the first checks whether a green pass is valid or not and is mainly used by managers. The latter, on the other hand, are used by people who go around and need to show it.

VerificaC19 only acts as a green pass verifier.

For show the green pass you can choose whether to use Immune or the application I (both Open source but present only on Play Store) if you have already installed them or found them on F-Droid is COVID Certificate Wallet That Catima, perfect for this use.

VerificaC19 and COVID Certificate

Did you know for example that COVID Certificate, the Swiss equivalent of CheckC19 (the Italian application for green pass verification), is Open source 1 And even available on F-Droid as well as up Google Play come on HUAWEI AppGallery?

There are two Swiss applications: COVID Certificate Verifier And COVID Certificate Wallet. They look a lot alike F-Droid, so follow our links to avoid mistakes.

  • COVID Certificate Verifier serves to verify the validity of a green pass certificate. This application obviously cannot replace the Italian one because the rules for the validity of the green pass are not necessarily the same between countries.
    So what do I need it for?
    This application probably won't be of much use to you unless you have to travel to Switzerland and want to be sure that your certificate will be considered valid.
  • COVID Certificate Wallet, this application can be much more useful here in Italy too.
    The European green pass is in fact interoperable and thanks to this application you can check what information your green pass contains, if it is correct and if it is updated it is valid for example.
    Among the information present: date of vaccination and also the type of vaccine received.

    Some people use third-party applications, often fraudulent, to check their green pass, also risking their personal data being stolen 2.

    With COVID Certificate Verifier instead you are quite confident that this will not happen.

Green pass: the alternatives to show it

Another problem that may arise is showing the green pass. Being a QR code you can save it as a PNG and keep it in your gallery. In this way, however, it can be inconvenient to take it out on some occasions, perhaps browsing through photos and personal documents.

For this operation you can use COVID Certificate Wallet, or if you prefer an application that doesn't even require an internet connection you can rely on the legendary application Catima.

Catima: the alternative Open source in Stocard

Catima it is in fact an excellent one alternative Open source in Stocard. In fact, Stocard contains a whopping 7 tracers and requires 29 permissions to function 3. Catima instead it contains 0 and requires only 3 permissions 4. You can insert your green pass into Catima and easily show it when requested.

To do this, simply create a new card and scan your QR code. Give it a custom name and you're ready to display it when prompted.

And for iOS?

You've been asking us all over the place for an alternative for iOS. He gives us one of the most exhaustive answers filippodb on Mastodon:

“ok, I tried again and I did it, I have the #greenpass on the Wallet #iPhone which is very convenient, you make two clicks and it comes out without having to look for the app.
The problem is that the camera didn't work for me and I didn't feel like creating a PDF on the iPhone but once I did it everything went smoothly
So highly recommended solution on #iOS, to be used only with Browsers safari, and just uploading a PDF with the QRcode, with a simple image it doesn't work. Here is the project on Gitea.

  1. COVID Certificate on GitHub[]
  2. There's a problem with the Green Pass: here's how you can rig it[]
  3. Exodus report on Stocard[]
  4. Exodus report on Catima[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives