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We continue to talk to developers with a project created specifically for those looking for collaborations Open source. GitPals in fact it is a project Open source 1 that he wants to help developers find git friends.

Disclaimer for those who are not in the sector: don't worry, we'll explain straight away what we're talking about. From git we have already talked about it in the article Help projects Open source without knowing how to program and also on alternatives to GitHub so maybe some of you already know it.

You don't need to understand exactly what we're talking about, it can be complex to explain in detail. However, know that it is a convenient, practical and widely used method for sharing your own source code with other people. Anyone can do things pull requests, request gods merge or send issues. That is, they can ask the author of the software to insert their proposal into the code or they can open tickets to warn that something is not working as it should or that something else could be improved.

Then there are sites like GitHub (owned by Microsoft 2) or GitLab who host the projects and implement this control tool.

In short, as we said git it is a convenient and widely used tool and, imagine, invented by Linus Torvalds. The author of the first kernel version Linux!

Background photo created by jcomp –

GitPals brings together game loversOpen source

GitPals joins the words git And pal. Git you have learned what it means, pals can be translated as friend/companion. It can be used together with other words such as cyber pal for friends on the internet or pen pal for so-called pen pals. GitPals, as you might imagine, means exactly that git friends.

In fact, this site wants to help people find contributions for their projects. In fact, it often happens that we read about people who would like to gain some experience and at the same time contribute to something useful for the community. The project GitPals This is exactly what it is for: it can help two or more people find each other!

It's a project in beta and still quite unknown but like all new projects of this genre it only makes sense if many people know about it. So here we are talking to you about it because it seems like a good initiative to us!

  1. Code on GitHub[]
  2. Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives