Vector Pinball

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Vector Pinball

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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Today we present a game available only for Android, very cute and fun to play. Is called Vector Pinball and it is, as you have probably already imagined, a virtual pinball machine simulator (also called pinball).

Vector Pinball It's a very simple game, so don't expect anything particularly complex. Meanwhile the graphics are simple and made exclusively from lines and circles. In fact, the developer has dedicated himself above all to improving the gameplay and the excellent physics of the elements.

In fact, you will not see 3D graphics or science fiction effects, but you will only see a large black table with inside colored lines and circles. There are also the classic targets that allow the ball to bounce and accumulate scores.

Images taken from F-Droid.

Vector Pinball

The game, in fact, even if it seems sparse and poorly made, actually is deliberately minimalist. The developer's choice is to concentrate all efforts on the physics of the ball and on the simplicity of the game without distractions of any kind.

And in our opinion he succeeded very well indeed! The game is in fact fun and challenging. In our opinion it is ideal to waste some time. The sound effects are also very nice and absolutely not annoying.

It seems obvious to us to say it but we don't want to take anything for granted: Vector Pinball naturally does not contain any type of tracer nor is there any advertising. It also requires the beauty of zero permissions to run! You can check all this using the wonderful online tool called Exodus Privacy. Here the outcome of Exodus for Vector Pinball.

Vector Pinball It's also obviously a project Open source 1, like all the ones we talk about in this section. For those interested, there is also a experimental editor to create pinball tables.

Let us know what you think and if you like, share your score on the our group Telegram or on our room Matrix. Alternatively you can also find us on Reddit.


Source code
  1. source code on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives