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Nice open source projects for developers

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We dedicate another article to the developer friends who follow us. In fact, we recently talked about the project ReverseEagle (unfortunately ReserveEagle is an abandoned project and the site no longer works) and some alternatives to Blogger. In this case we will always try not to use technical language but will mainly talk to those who already have their own project and to those who already develop software or websites. In fact, we will talk about projects Open source nice for developers, projects that often combine the useful and the pleasant!

This is in fact a serious but not boring article where we will try to list some projects Open source fun to use within your website and project. Later, if this may interest you, we will also dedicate one to the actual alternatives, thus delving into the alternatives to Google Captcha, Google Analytics, Google Fonts and so on. We already have one on this style and it's called How to create a website with open graphics and services.

Projects Open source nice for developers

So here is a small list of projects. If you have anyone to add, we look forward to hearing from you as always Telegram, Matrix, Mastodon, Twitter or for e-mail!

  • CSS Icons, we talk about CSS and this site helps us to be able to use hundreds of icons for free. Divided into categories you can have fun finding the one that best suits you. It's a project Open source 1 and you can use the icons as you like 2.
  • unDraw, we have discussed this site thoroughly with an ad hoc article. They are illustrations Open source and totally free of license to be used anywhere 3. They are very beautiful and are constantly updated.
  • Mono Icons, a set of elegant, simple and very easy to use icons. It's a project Open source 4 in which everyone can participate!
  • Elevator.js, fun button to go back to the top of a site complete with relaxing music! (⌐■_■)
  • Arwes, a project Open source 5 really cute. Choose any component and you will be offered an interface Sci-Fi And Cyberpunk! The website is also very beautiful and well done!
  • ZtextJS, let's continue talking about fonts and CSS. Here's a project for you Open source 7 interesting for creating 3D text with many curious options!
  • SVG Backgrounds, it's not a project Open source but it can be used for free if attributed correctly 8. They are really beautiful and creative backgrounds for your website. Many are free but for those who want there is also one paid version. The same goes for CSS Background Patterns.

Suggestions from you:

  • Free for developers, it's a list Open source of services SaaS free for developers. It is not focused on privacy or ethics so it will be up to you to select the various services. However, the list is decidedly vast and seems like an interesting point to us 11
  1. CSS Icons on GitHub[]
  2. CSS Icons – license[]
  3. unDraw license[]
  4. Mono Icons on GitHub[]
  5. Arwes on GitHub[]
  6. Rough Awesome Font on GitHub[]
  7. ZtextJS on GitHub[]
  8. SVG Backgrounds – licensed[]
  9. Tip on Telegram/1[]
  10. Tip on Telegram/2[]
  11. Mastodon tip[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives