La Democrazia della Sorveglianza

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The Democracy of Surveillance

Warning: This post was created 3 years does

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Cassandra Crossing is a column created by Marco Calamari with the “nom de plume” of Cassandra, born in 2005.

Every Thursday, starting from September 9th, we will offer you an ancient prophecy of Cassandra, to be reread today to reflect on the future, alternating recent articles selected from the latest releases.

Today's article is current and talks about Europe and the new EU digital currency recently proposed.

This article was written on September 30, 2021 from Cassandra

Where does the important attribute of "Democracy" that is given to some of the pieces into which our planet is still divided come from?

The answer is obvious to everyone, but it is the wrong one.

“Those countries whose legal basis is inspired by democratic principles are democratic.”

The correct answer is instead that those countries are democratic whose actions (of the executive, legislative and judicial powers) essentially adhere to democratic principles.

And here, unfortunately, the majority of so-called "fully democratic" countries fall, to a greater or lesser extent, into the group of "differently democratic" ones.

A clear example is given by the recent behavior of the EU institutions which, being made up of "fully democratic" countries, should, transitively, be so.

But from many points of view this does not really seem to be the case.

If we examine the latest creations coming from Strasbourg and Brussels, we find things like the new investigative powers given to Europol, the “Chatcontrol” directive and the fresh initiative of the European Central Bank, which has announced that it wants to give sight to the CDBC, a “ Digital Euro” anchored to the corresponding traditional currency, in order to counter the rise of cryptocurrencies and simultaneously intercept their advantages.

The topic of “European Bitcoin” is excellently exposed in this article Of Matt [mrk4m1] on the newsletter “The Privacy Chronicles“.

Here, also due to a lack of competence and knowledge, Cassandra is not interested in the economic and financial aspects of this futuristic, but not too futuristic, project.

What is interesting instead is the attitude towards the privacy and digital rights of European citizens that permeates it, which is unfortunately (and deliberately) identical to that which we find in the rules on the management of data flows between European investigative agencies, and which fully materialize in the “Chatcontrol” directive.

In summary, the democracy of EU countries in the cyber field is expressed only by attempting to defend their citizens from the excessive power of the "Surveillance Capitalism" of Zuboffian memory.

Most commendable; open applause and let's hope they succeed.

However, a total failure, certainly intended, as regards the defense of European citizens from the invasion of their own states. Here the "paternalistic" hand of our democracies, including the Italian one, is fully manifested.

In fact, the means that are denied, at least in principle, to the big dot.coms, because they are invasive, excessive and immoral, are instead granted, in substance, to the states, which have no barriers in using digital methods to invade life deprived of their citizens, restricting their spaces of freedom and privacy in a certainly more dangerous way.

As further confirmation of this, the "European Bitcoin" will be a totally tracked currency, with only a few crumbs of privacy granted, under precise, restricted and probably circumventable conditions, to European citizens.

Cassandra believes that maintaining vigilance, shouting "The King is naked" when necessary, is an essential condition for deserving democratic rights, and therefore digital ones.

We certainly don't need the European Central Bank to transform itself into yet another eye for Big Brother.

In this particular case it is therefore necessary to point out how, once again, important democratic powers appear incapable, or completely unwilling, to apply democratic limits to the new powers that they attribute to themselves, thus ignoring the founding principles of the very concept of democracy.

They are also common principles with the other constitutional documents from across the Channel and overseas; separation of powers and protection of the rights of its citizens, which in the modern world should never give way, not even to new methods of fight against paedoterro-Satanism, a great authoritarian alibi even for the "democracies" of the third millennium.

It therefore remains a duty and essential for those who consider themselves citizens of a democratic country and of a community of democratic countries to exert continuous pressure on national and European politics and decision-making centres, so that the new powers of the states protect, first of all, without ifs or buts, the freedom and civil rights of its citizens.

So as not to find ourselves, soon and all of us, citizens of a "Democracy of Surveillance".

Marco Calamari

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