Test della privacy online

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Online privacy test

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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Let's go back and talk a little about practical examples, linking us to some posts made on our Telegram channel @LeAlternativeFresh which we recommend you follow especially if you like this type of curiosity. We found some online privacy tests (no, we're not talking about the our test) created by a developer who signs himself with the pseudonym z0ccc and you can see his works on GitHub.

We thought we'd also talk about them here on the site because they seem like such interesting tools that it would be a real shame if they were lost between one post and another. The two tools created by z0ccc are really excellent for better understanding how the internet works and for understanding what can they know about us i Browsers when we sail. In fact, there is a lot of information that we carry with us, often unconsciously, while browsing.

Online Privacy Test: Vytal

Let's start from the first tool, it's called Vytal and you can try it using the button below.

What does this test do? It is very reminiscent of the test that we have already known in the past: be anonymous online? In this case too, various data will be revealed to you Browsers (and your computer) even if you are in anonymous mode. It also allows you to better understand the so-called fingerprint (your digital fingerprint on the web), for example you can enter a signature and see how this will remain continuously, continuing to recognize you even if you close the Browsers or if you log in in private mode. This is because, and we repeat it continuously, the incognito mode only serves to not save the Cookies and chronology. Nothing else: you are not invisible and the sites (and advertisements) can easily recognize you.


The second test proposed by the developer instead wants us to understand how our location does not depend only on our IP like them Commercial VPNs generally want us to believe.

What is IP address?

Let's try to explain it in the simplest way possible: the IP address is a series of numbers that can be associated with your device. Every time you connect to the internet you are assigned "an address", even if you don't know it, and you use it to navigate. It is one of the methods that can be used to identify a person on the internet.

In fact, IP is just one of the many ways to understand our origin. LocateJS will try to guess your location (and your nationality) using various means at its disposal. Try it with a VPN and you will be surprised to discover that, even if you think you are hiding your origin, the tool may still be able to understand the country you are from Really connected.

This because in addition to the IP address the tool uses other tools such as your time zone and your system language to understand where you are coming from. It then associates this data with your IP address and based on this it will try to guess where you are connecting from with a percentage of probability.

We therefore hope that you enjoyed the tests and, as always, if you have any questions or doubts you can find us almost anywhere.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives