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Snapdrop, caratteristiche principali

available via Browsers
Open source and free software: you can manage a server independently
send files from one device to another without placing the files on third-party servers
the devices must be on the same network

Today we present a project to you Open source 1 very simple to use and at the same time very useful. Let's talk about Snapdrop, the fastest and easiest way to transfer files within your network.

Have you ever had to transfer a file, of any type and weight, from your computer to your smartphone and didn't know how to do it? Maybe you went looking for a cable to connect your computer to your smartphone or you tried to send yourself the files on cloud and then download it again.

Maybe sometimes you have even thought about using sites like WeTransfer (or one of its many alternatives).

Snapdrop, great for sending files over the same network

Website vector created by stories –

The simplest thing you can do, however, is to use the website we are talking about today. Thanks to Snapdrop in fact you will not have to install any applications or have any technical knowledge.

It will be enough for you connect to the site and then connect to the same site through any computer or with your smartphone. All devices connected to the same network at that moment will be automatically seen!

Each will be given a random name for identification. This is to make sure you send the correct file to the right person. Once you are sure, click on the generated nickname and select the file you need to send.

In a few moments you will see the file appear on the second device and you can download it with extreme simplicity.

That's all!

Simple, fast and safe

As you have seen, it is really incredibly simple to use. Furthermore, as we anticipated, the project is totally complete Open source 1 it's free. He lives on donations and if you like it you can decide to donate something to its developer.

The site is also totally devoid of tracers of any type 2. There is no trace of Google Analytics, banners or even affiliate links. So congratulations to the author also for this ethical choice which, as you know, we strongly agree with!

For those who have the knowledge it is also possible install it on your own server to not use the official website but create your own Instance.

If what we are proposing doesn't work well for you, which is theInstance main, you can also try this.

Alternatives to Snapdrop

Later we will make an article dedicated to all the alternatives to AirDrop, meanwhile if you don't feel comfortable with Snapdrop you can try one of the alternatives below or read the our dedicated article.

  • Blaze, interesting method to share files with someone. Unlike Snapdrop does not use WebRTC (the same technology used for video calls via Browsers). AND Open source 3.
  • NitroShare, other application Open source 4 to share files. However, it doesn't work online, you have to download an application.
  •, other software Open source 5 to share files. This uses technology WebTorrent it is therefore very useful when used on a Browsers which exploits it natively as Brave.
  •, this is also a very convenient application and Open source 6 to be used to exchange files. Use, optionally, also WebRTC.
  • FilePizza, this is also another software Open source 7 to exchange files.
  1. source code on GitHub[][]
  2. Blacklight report[]
  3. source code by Blaze[]
  4. source code by NitroShare[]
  5. source code by[]
  6. source code by[]
  7. source code of FilePizza[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives