Alternative a Trello

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Alternatives to Trello

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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Let's talk today about Alternatives to Trello, a management software in style Kanban. The methodology Kanban it is widely used for project management. In fact, this type of noticeboard helps to put ideas in order and visually represent the work and the various phases necessary to complete it. The most famous and perhaps also the most used bulletin board Kanban it almost certainly is Trello.

So why look alternatives to Trello? Trello is software owned by Atlassian Corporation. Atlassian is also famous for being the owner of Bitbucket, one of alternatives to GitHub.

Trello ei tracers

So why do we look for alternatives? Why Trello it is proprietary software, the source code is closed and its website is a receptacle of tracers and invisible tracking pixels. For Blacklight there are 14 advertising tracks, 22 Cookies third party and comes said to Facebook that you are visiting that site. Furthermore, use is also made of fingerprinting to also be able to track who uses it Browsers that block Cookies of third parties.

In this last regard we remind you that thanks to the Browsers Brave you will have built-in complete protection Fingerprinting. With Firefox Instead, it's better to install the extension CanvasBlocker And uBlock Origin.

We took a look around and found some good alternatives. Unfortunately we are not great users of this working methodology so the analyzes on the software will be very simple and basic.

If you want to help us improve this article you are, as always, welcome: we have been using the Codeberg platform to receive reports. So if you want to add two lines for one of these alternatives (strengths and/or flaws that we don't know about) do it yourself here:

In addition to those listed here, we know that there are many other alternatives Self-hosting. As you know, however, here we voluntarily try to don't worry about it and we therefore only present ready-made software to use.

Alternatives to Trello

Nextcloud Deck

Open source
included in Nextcloud services

If you already use a service Nextcloud Maybe you don't know it even exists Nextcloud Deck! A great free alternative to Trello especially if you are already a user of the services Nextcloud!


Open source
starting from 1$ per month

Decent privacy and software Open source 1 can be installed independently for free. Treenga it is a Ukrainian software with decidedly competitive prices. In fact, it starts from 1$ per month per user.


Italian project
also in free version

Another very interesting software. It should be underlined that it is a Italian project 2 and that has a good privacy policy. Its free version is very interesting and we also like the fact that the professional license it does not have a monthly subscription but it's a one-off. Once paid you can use it forever. Absolutely worth trying and possibly even buying. There is currently no version Browsers but it is available on Windows, macOS And Linux 3.


servers in Europe
also in free version

Good privacy policy for this one alternative to Trello European. Free basic version and paid Pro version starting at €8.25 per month 4.


also in free version

Interesting alternatives although, unfortunately, Not Open source. It has a limited free version and three other paid plans (starting at 8,95$ per user per month). An application is available for both Android that for iOS.


Open source
also in free version

It's software Open source that you recommended to us on Codeberg 5. It is certainly excellent if you have the possibility to install it yourself on your server. Alternatively you can try it online without the possibility of saving in the cloud. However, you can export the project and import it later when you want to see and edit it.


Open source
also in free version

It's one of the software Open source 6 best known of this genre. You can try it for free for 30 days, then you can use the free version with the basic services or pay 5$ per month per user. Unfortunately, however, even they don't go too lightly with theirs tracers 7.


Open source

Another interesting application is Focusboard. AND Open source 8 and completely free if you need to use it yourself and is available to install on Windows, macOS And Linux. In the cloud, to collaborate with other people, it is paid on Mattermost or if you are able via Self-hosting.


It looks a lot like Trello even if it is not identical. There privacy unfortunately it is not the best and the software it's not even Open source. We point it out as an excellent and widely used application but it is not entirely recommended.


new registrations currently closed
Open source
server in France

Much simpler software than Trello but still useful and interesting. It is totally free: in fact it lives on donations. AND Open source 9 and can also be installed for free on your own server. We put it at the bottom because new registrations are currently closed, unfortunately.

More alternatives to Trello

If you are a little more geeks and you know how to self-host a program then WeKan it might be right for you. AND Open source 10 and definitely comparable to Trello.

  1. source code of Treenga[]
  2. StacksTeam[]
  3. Stacks FAQ[]
  4. MeisterTask rates[]
  5. Alternatives to Trello[]
  6. source code of Taiga[]
  7. Blacklight analysis on Taiga[]
  8. Focalboard on GitHub[]
  9. source code by Lessy[]
  10. WeKan on GitHub[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives