Il Nobel ad Assange

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The Nobel to Assange

This post was last updated by 3 years does

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Cassandra Crossing is a column created by Marco Calamari with the “nom de plume” of Cassandra, born in 2005.

Every Thursday, starting from September 9th, we will offer you an ancient prophecy of Cassandra, to be reread today to reflect on the future, alternating recent articles selected from the latest releases.

Today's article is very important and we particularly care about it. It's a cry for help for Assange and for all the journalists who risk their lives every day. Cassandra hopes for a Nobel Peace Prize to Assange for 2022 and asks everyone to take action in the hope that this time it really is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This article was written on October 29, 2021 from Cassandra

The Nobel to Assange

On December 7, 2010 Julian Paul Assange 1 he spontaneously shows up at the Scotland Yard offices and is arrested following the European arrest warrant for a specious accusation from Sweden, which was artificially kept alive for years and finally dismissed on 19 May 2017.

Since 7 December 2010 Julian has no longer been a free man, alternating short periods of probation with very long periods of segregation, all in the United Kingdom, first in the Ecuadorian embassy and then in the Belmarsh maximum security prison.

Soon there will be the eleventh consecutive year of deprivation of liberty for a human being who is a citizen of a democratic country, on the soil of a second democratic country, with the complicity of two other democratic countries and at the instigation of a fifth democratic country, all this in absence of a conviction, not even in first instance, for a specific fact.

And all this is due to the instrumental alternation of various charges, as changeable as the political seasons, as variable as the weather on a day in March.

Perhaps we should talk not about "democratic" countries, but about "limited democracy" countries

In reality we all know what Julian did, and why the 5 countries, not mentioned above but well known, want him silenced, temporary or better yet permanent; has the very serious fault of having allowed people to be informed and therefore more free.

Yes, “free” in the sense used by Jesus in the Gospel of John (8, 32): “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free”.

And many, many people don't like this, but since all of you, not just the 24 tireless readers of Cassandra, now know more than enough, there is certainly no need to repeat their names.

AND' recent news that the Nobel Prize Committee this year awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize to two courageous journalists.

Nothing to say about the very worthy winners, something to say instead about Julian Paul Assange, journalist, in prison for 11 years for having carried out the largest investigative journalism operation in history.

In 2014 there was a timid attempt (on for a motion in this regard, which like all motions obviously took its time.

To propose seriously Julian Paul Assange as candidate for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize

Who can do it? All of us? No, only these “types” of people:

  • Members of national assemblies and state governments.
  • Members of international courts.
  • Directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes.
  • People who have already won the Nobel Prize in past years.
  • Board members of organizations that have been awarded the Nobel Prize in previous years.

And, precisely here in Italy, in the first category alone, we have more than 900 "qualified".

But there are also suitable Italians in all the other categories, including the very recent winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics Giorgio Parisi.

To propose Julian, these people must write individual letters (not petitions) to the Committee for Norwegian Nobel (which awards the Nobel Peace Prize), and to be precise to the gentlemen:

  • Berit Reiss-Andersen
  • Anne Enger
  • Asle Toje
  • Kristin Clemet
  • Jørgen Watne Frydnes

who are part of it today, writing at least some of the things that everyone knows and explaining why being a heroic and persecuted journalist ("a journalist is someone who does a journalist") who has changed the world fully qualifies him for the award.

For those who don't remember the practical definition of the term: "A hero is someone who, going against his own advantage and safety, carries out an action from which many others will derive real benefit"

But for those who don't like writing on paper, there is also a webform (a serious thing, not petitions, please don't spam it if you don't have the right to propose a candidate).

Now, if you can do it or if you know someone who can do it (and you have even voted for someone recently) do it, or take an active part in making them do it, insisting with all the means you know.

The years pass, sometimes people die in prison, and they don't give Nobel Prizes to their memory.

Go Julian!

Strength for Julian!!

Marco Calamari

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  1. Wikipedia[]

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