Imparare nuove lingue con software open source

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Learn new languages with open source software

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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One of the features of TheAlternatives is to look for software Open source to do anything. Give it to him cell phone wallpapers until programs to manage passwords. Today we will try to learn new languages using only software Open source!

It won't be a very simple operation but we will also discover some ploy to replace the most popular applications. The first application we will talk about, for example, is a possible one alternative to Duolingue. Duolingue Unfortunately, as often happens, it is a proprietary application full of tracers 1 For example Google, Facebook and Unity3d Ads . In addition to requiring many permissions to function (up to 30!).

Learn new languages with software Open source


Open source

Someone tried to replace Duolingue with Anki to learn languages! Anki It's not a real translation app but a flash card system. Flash cards can in fact be a useful tool for learning a new language and on the official Anki website there are really many made by the community: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Jewish, Japanese, Korean, Russian And Spanish.

Furthermore, flash cards are also available on theanatomy, on the biology, on the chemistry come on more.
This videos on Youtube it is very interesting and will briefly explain how the application works.
You are obviously not bound to use those created by other people, you can create flash cards yourself with which to try to learn a new language (or anything else). Alternatively you can take a look at Anki official website where obviously everything is strictly Open source 2.

In the Anki official website you can find applications for Windows, For macOS, For Linux but also for iPhone and Android.

10,000 sentences

Open source

It doesn't just exist Anki obviously and 10,000 sentences It's a really great alternative Open source 3. We also talked about it recently with a dedicated article. There are many languages present with over 10,000 phrases each to learn and consolidate your knowledge. We liked it a lot and all the sentences are taken from Tatoeba, one our old acquaintance.
It can be downloaded either on Play Store what up F-Droid!


Open source

It has also existed for some time Duofolio. An interesting application Open source 4 dedicated to those who are trying to learn a new language. Its operation is simple: first of all you must have an ebook in EPUB version. Then you can read your book and simultaneously translate the words and phrases that don't add up. Reading books in the language, in fact, is an excellent method for learning quickly.

Despite Duofolio it's an app Open source it is only found on Play Store And is not available on F-Droid (probably because it uses Google Translate to work).


Open source

This is a nice project Open source 5, very interesting but also very immature. On the other hand, it is still in the experimental phase. Currently it is only used for learn spanish and it is only useful to those who already know English.
The idea is very nice though. Through cards you will be asked a question, for example: "Which of these is a lion"? And the three answers will be three different animals with their respective names in Spanish: león, perro or el perro 6. And so on different categories. A really interesting idea that we hope will be carried forward.

Master Japanese From Scratch For Free

Open source

This is a beautiful project not Open source but totally free and free from tracers. Because it was created by a student who has a dream for everyone to learn Japanese more easily. The site is well done with quizzes and Japanese lessons and just lives by donations!


Not this it's a project Open source but we liked it so much that we wanted to include it at all costs. Learn a new language by transcribing a literary classic! Improve your English by transcribing entirely 1984 by George Orwell or discover Spanish by transcribing Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky (obviously translated into Spanish!) is nothing short of brilliant. A project therefore that certainly deserves a mention.

  1. Exodus report on Duolingue[]
  2. Anki on GitHub[]
  3. 10,000 sentences on GitHub[]
  4. Duofolio on GitHub[]
  5. LibreLingo on GitHub[]
  6. LibreLingo skills animals[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives