Aurora Store

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Aurora Store

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In the latest releases AuroraStore has problems searching for applications due to some limits imposed by Google. TO this address you can find some suggestions to still be able to use it without problems.

It's probably finally time to talk to you about Aurora Store. We have already mentioned it in the past when we talked about alternative stores to that of Google. Another store we talked about is that of F-Droid.

Aurora Store However, it is a very interesting project and can also be one of the methods to proceed with a real one degoogling. So let's see together what this store allows you to do by first, as always, a brief summary on the topic.

F-Droid it's a real one alternative store where inside there are only and exclusively applications Free and ORpen Source Ssoftware 1. It is a very safe store because all applications are checked and compiled directly from source code 2. To clarify: come on F-Droid it is not possible for a developer to release a code and upload a different one to the store (as can happen on the Play Store).

Aurora Store

Aurora Store instead it is used to download applications from Play Store anonymously 3. Basically installing Aurora Store you will be able to see and use the store Google and download all applications without installing the Play Store same.

This is a very important feature because it allows you to:

  • never log in to Google on your mobile phone, which is essential to access the Play Store. This helps you to be a little less dependent on Google and not to associate your smartphone with any account Google;

The ultimate goal of many of those who follow Le Alternative is probably to be able to only download applications from F-Droid and in general only applications not present on Google Play. But this is not always possible and not everyone is able to do without certain applications.

Even paid applications

The only problem that may arise is if you need to use a paid application or one that you have already paid for. But even in this case the developer of Aurora Store he thought of you.

In fact, you can also log in to a Google account to download paid applications that you have already purchased 4. However, be careful with this last possibility: this would in fact violate Google's Terms and Services so your account could be blocked 5.

To date, we are not aware of any account blocking for those who have used this function, however, keep this in mind. We therefore advise against using your main email, rather do it with a secondary one that you care little about or a disposable email created for the occasion.

Aurora Store is not Aurora Droid

We end the article by telling you to be careful not to confuse Aurora Store with Aurora Droid. In fact, the second is always made by the same developer but is just an alternative client (a program) for viewing the applications present on F-Droid.

We therefore hope to have intrigued you and to have answered some questions. If you have any more, we'll see you there our subreddit, on the our group Telegram or in the our room Matrix to discuss it!


  1. Information on F-Droid[]
  2. F-Droid on Wikipedia[]
  3. FAQ – Accounts[]
  4. Do I need to use my own Google account to log in?[]
  5. Google Play Terms of Service §4[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives