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You are under surveillance

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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Today we offer you another small but nice (and disturbing) game for the section practical examples. Here we will talk not only about news relating to privacy but also fun methods to quickly understand what we are talking about without using strange or difficult technical words. Today we present to you a nice game called You are under surveillance.

The game was created by the foundation EFF (ANDelectronic Frontier Ffoundation). A non-profit organization born in 1990 who defends civil rights in the digital world. It is very active on the web, we can only tell you that they are the authors, among other things, of the famous extensions Privacy Badger And HTTPS Everywhere. They also have a self defense kit online. It's in English but you might be interested: We also talked about them in the article The Browsers What use protects me from advertising?

You are under surveillance!

So let's talk about the game, it's originally called Spot the Surveillance. You will be thrown into a 360° scene where you can move with your mouse or, if you are on mobile, with your cell phone. In this single scene there are as many as seven surveillance devices. Not just cameras but also portable biometric devices And drones. In a single 360° scene set in a neighborhood of San Francisco (Western Addition) are well there seven recognition devices which, we have no doubt, you will also struggle to find.

A 360° game

Playing is really very simple and it all depends on the device you are using. With the computer you will have to move the mouse pointing towards the devices you think you have identified. If instead you have a Oculus Rift or one Cardboard you can experience the scene at 360°: a real virtual reality experience!

We leave it to you to reflect on the real necessity of all this. However, there are many interesting articles on the topic that we leave for you to delve deeper into:

And in English:

There is also an application Where are the Eyes? An app to track surveillance cameras in cities. It hasn't been updated for a long time but it is Open source It's free and anyone can add cameras.

If you liked the game you can find other practical examples by clicking here. Or you can start following our channel Telegram at the address

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives