Mettete una password alla vostra videocamera

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Put a password on your camera

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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Let's get back to talking about safety, and to be precise we will also talk about inattention And laziness. Because what we will tell you today goes, in our opinion, even a little beyond simple ignorance. There's always that touch of very human listlessness when you do something. Why we title this article do you put a password on your camera? The answer is very simple: because there are sites that collect online cameras without passwords!

Let's start by saying that this article is not intended to be an incentive tohacking cameras. Indeed, it is precisely the need to talk about the dangers of the internet which pushes us to write these lines. So what does he do Insecam? Collects all the surveillance cameras in the world put online without any password for access ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

That's exactly why we're talking even negligence as well as ignorance. Putting a password on your surveillance camera takes just a few minutes and anyone can do it. More often than not, one doesn't put it on because "I don't want to put it on every time and then they won't come and see me!".
Actually on the internet we are all a potential target.

Put a password on your camera

You have to think about that we are not invisible and that bad guys on the internet don't (only) look for VIPs (in addition to those who hack you to being able to download Anime). Just like gods street pickpockets they go looking for people inattentive, who feels too confident and who does not pay attention to the basics of security. Would you ever walk around with your wallet open and untucked? Probably not and for the same reason avoid thinking that you are not a target: we all are and we all must stick to the basic safety rules, such as putting on a secure password on all our devices. Also and above all the cameras.

Think about that Insecam, for obvious problems of any complaints and also for respect for people, carefully hides any cameras that might violate privacy. You understand that this only means one thing: There are people who have a video camera at home without a password.

In Italy, come on Insecam, There are over 800 cameras. If you find one near you, maybe let the owner know that the time has come to put a password! Finally, think that at the end of 2004 on a forum it had been discovered that looking for a certain phrase on Google thousands of video cameras could be found. You can too read the forum thread, And very disturbing indeed!

Insecam and the others

Insecam it is not the only site that collects video cameras, it also exists for example Opentopia, where more or less the same thing is done: they are searched surveillance cameras on search engines. Those without password they are then shown with a screenshot of the last few hours. Another site that does a similar thing is called Camscape.

However, not everyone casually leaves the camera without a password, some do it deliberately and for several reasons. It is the case of Earth Cam for example, where video cameras from all over the planet are shown but positioned in strategic points for allow anyone to enjoy different views without leaving home. It also exists, a collection of webcams dedicated to nature. You can relax while listening real forest sounds or with them ocean waves.

There are so many sites of this type, we leave you two others, the nicest ones. You can watch Loch Ness in real time to see if you will be lucky enough to find the legendary one in front of you Nessie. Or you could spending hours and hours watching the grass grow!

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives