Alternative a Linktree

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Alternatives to Linktree

This post was last updated by 4 months does

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One of the needs that has arisen on some social networks (first and foremost Instagram) is to be able to have a place to contain all the personal links associated with your figure or your service/website. Linktree it is a service that those who don't frequent mainstream social networks probably don't know, but it has become practically the only way to insert links on Instagram, enough to make it a giant worth 1.3 billion 1. So let's go in search of Alternatives to Linktree!

Looking for alternatives is, for us, always a good excuse to discover new services and not to remain trapped in a single environment (which we like today and which tomorrow, who knows what it could become). Linktree also has various connections to third-party sites within its pages such as the inevitable Google.

At the beginning of 2022 he had some problems with the so-called sex workers (sex workers) 2 more or less resolved with a note that reads like this: “Per our company's policies, Linktree has banned a small number of accounts that resulted from sharing a URL that violated community standards by sharing advertisements for the sale of real-life sexual services. Our Trust & Safety team identifies, flags and bans accounts that go against our community standards. It is important to note that once these violations are found to also violate the law, we must act quickly to protect our community“.

Beyond this, however, it is always a good idea to have an alternative on hand.

But what exactly is Linktree?

As we were saying, it's actually a very simple thing (and this is also why we were surprised to find so few alternatives): it's a single web page with links inside. That's all. It's a sort of business card with a bit of what we want inside: links to the latest articles/concerts and, at the end, links to social networks are omnipresent. To help you understand better, here is a concrete example: this is Katy Perry's page.

What alternatives to Linktree?

Once the introduction is over, let's get back to us. We looked for Alternatives to Linktree real and we also imagined alternative methods to simulate the Linktree effect.


It is probably one of the most interesting alternatives because it is Open source and free: anyone can create their own LinkStack server and host their own links or allow others to do so. That's what for example Devol did it reserving the service for those who are active on There are some free servers on which you can register, often dedicated to certain communities, such as:,, And You can find more at: . It's possible too sign up to the official server starting from 1$ per month.

Bio Link

It is a fairly recent application that allows you to create a page for free by paying a monthly or annual subscription (from 70$ or from 190$) to have various privileges. The basic version is still good and allows you to have unlimited visitors and only one personal page.

The graphics are very nice and also allow for various customizations. This is an example page of ours: as you can see it is possible to add predefined social networks with your own default icon (there is also Mastodon!) or you can insert any link. One of the links, Feddit, we did it highlighted and in fact trembles to attract attention. It seems like one of the most interesting alternatives to us, there is no trace of Google but they are used Plausible and Matomo for statistics.


This is a very nice service, especially graphically, and interesting. Like other alternatives it will allow you to create pages with links but it is designed especially for receiving donations or selling products. Unfortunately, the pages created contain a myriad of external links (including to Google). It is currently free 3 so it's not entirely clear how they think of keep the shack. This is our page created in a few seconds:


Open source

If you are already using a WordPress site then you could create a simple static page with the default WordPress buttons and then change the CSS with relative ease. We had done something similar (now it is no longer under maintenance) with this page: (to be watched mainly from smartphones). With a little practice you can create nice pages, too you can use your personal domain without referring people to third-party sites. With a little practice you can also exploit the third level domain and do something like:

Alternatively you can try some plugins such as Link in Bio Creator.

Codeberg Page

Open source

This is a slightly more complex option but within the reach of anyone who knows a little HTML. Thanks to Codeberg (an alternative to GitHub) you can create static pages and automatically put them online on one Codeberg page. The domain may be third level ( or your own domain. For example ours has the source code backed by Codeberg 4 and it works exactly like this. You can do the same but with your own "bio page" using for example the free templates of HTML5 UP!


A new alternative that you reported to us on Telegram 5. It looks very interesting and the graphics are many and all very different from each other. It's surely more complete and more customizable than Linktree. It's mostly free (here is our page example), some extra options, such as the use of a personal domain, can only be unlocked by paying (19$ per year). Unfortunately, connections to Google are made on the created page.

Owl Link

If you are a fan of the so-called web3 (we prefer the web0) then you can't miss it Owl Link. It allows you to leverage your domain .btc which will be accessible to anyone Browsers through the link:


Open source

The application seems abandoned.

An interesting alternative and still in its initial phase: in fact, a price has not yet been defined and for now everything is free (but from what we understand it won't be forever). There are many settings and it is also possible to have accurate statistics but, more importantly, it is also possible to deactivate statistics by enabling "privacy mode" in the settings. It is simple to use and very customizable: you can download themes from the Marketplace and enable them in just a few clicks. Here is an example of what we managed to do in just a few seconds: Finally, Singlelink is also a project Open source 6.

Other alternatives

Another excellent solution, dedicated only to people with greater IT knowledge, is Ulink: a generator Open source of pages with links. However, there is not yet (and perhaps never will be) a ready-to-use service for everyone.

In the same genre (always to be self-hosted therefore) there is also the excellent LitteLink.

Lynx It's another nice self-hosting alternative that you suggested in the comments.

You also recently suggested us Links, an alternative to self-host even simply on Netlify. Here you can find a demo.

You have told us about another method for creating personalized pages of this kind: through services such as (which also allows you to customize the URL) or Telegraph. They are alternatives that are much less graphically beautiful but can be useful if you only need them to collect some information about yourself.

Last obligatory quote: ZipLinks. Created by an Italian, it was unfortunately abandoned to itself. Don't try to go to the site linked on the GitHub page (ziplinks(.)me) because it was taken over by advertising companies and is not a safe site. However the project was very nice, we even used it and financed (with small donations) for a period but then there were no more updates of any kind. Since the license is free (MIT) 7 if someone wants to try to get involved in it, in our opinion it was a good project.

Know or use Alternatives to Linktree different from those reported in the article? We are waiting for you on Telegram or on Feddit!

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  1. Linktree's tree is now worth $1.3 billion[]
  2. Sex workers are being booted off the 'link in bio' platform, Linktree[]
  3. PeachPay services are temporarily being offered free of charge.[]
  4. source code on Codeberg by À la carte[]
  5. Report on Telegram[]
  6. Singlelink on GitHub[]
  7. ZipLinks License[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives

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