Lemmy dal 18 al 24 aprile

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Lemmy from April 18th to 24th

Warning: This post was created 2 years does

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Hoping to please people, we decided to create this review on a weekly basis where we will collect all the topics created about our community Lemmy (what is Lemmy?). As we have already explained, we are trying to diversify as much as possible the community that has been created around Le Alternative, trying above all to bring as many people as possible to alternative social networks such as Mastodon, PeerTube, Pixelfed and, indeed, Lemmy. Let's start with Lemmy from April 18th to 24th.

Our Telegram channel The Alternatives | Fresh has been transformed precisely in this sense: news, updates and current affairs will always be shared, but these will arrive automatically via the Lemmy community. This means that anyone with a post can also reach the community on Telegram to invite as many people as possible to the discussions.

This brief introduction is to tell you that we have precisely thought of create a weekly report of what happened and posted on Lemmy. We hope this will translate into greater activity on community on Lemmy, we are waiting for you!

Lemmy from April 18th to 24th

By clicking on the titles of the various news items you will arrive on Lemmy and you will be able to participate in the discussion. Registration is required first.

19 aprile

  • There End-to-end encryption it is fundamental to human rights, a Wired article posted by skariko. A report commissioned by Meta highlights the role of technology in protecting privacy. However, it should be noted that the way in which it is implemented on Meta applications (WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook) is unfortunately only theoretical: without independent external audits the End-to-end encryption it is and remains only something written on paper.

20 aprile

21 aprile

  • Le Alternatives reappears on Bing and, consequently, on DuckDuckGo a Journalism article posted by skariko. Our little Odyssey seems to have happily ended. For those who don't know, we were overshadowed by Bing and then cascaded by DuckDuckGo and Qwant. After three weeks we reappeared on Bing, and consequently also on DuckDuckGo and Qwant.

22 aprile

  1. Google hit with 150 million euros French end for Cookies breaches[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives