Come guadagnano le grandi aziende? Edizione 2022

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How do big companies make money? 2022 edition

This post was last updated by 2 years does

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Here we are again with an interesting curiosity, it's been a while since we've done articles of this kind and this seemed like the right opportunity. How (and how much) big companies earn we had already asked ourselves this two years ago and we had shared with you an infographic of the excellent Visual Capitalist. How do big companies make money? 2022 edition it's an article in the same genre but, as you can imagine, updated!

Below the infographic you will also find two lines written by us. If you want to read them right away you can click here.

Here's the infographic Visual Capitalist

If you can't read the infographic you can download it here.


Visual Capitalist indeed it has recently published a new infographic that we wanted to share with you. Understanding how big companies do business is important and the Big Techs taken as examples are the same as last year. Google, TOpple, Facebook (Meta), TOmazon e Microsoft. The choice is absolutely not random and neither is the order in which we wrote them.

These five companies in fact create the acronym, which you may have already heard, GAFAM. And here we quote Wikipedia:

Although these multinationals compete directly with each other for the goods and services offered, their gigantism and the fact that they have become an obligatory, almost dictatorial choice, unites them and identifies them, making them the object of criticism for alleged incorrect practices such as: abuse of dominant position, tax evasion, intrusion into the private lives of its users and violation of their privacy.

GAFAM on Wikipedia

How do big companies make money? 2022 edition

In total, these five companies generated revenue of $1.4 trillion (How many are in prospect?).

These are impressive numbers to say the least and at the limit of comprehension. We are certain that it is not a good thing that so much money and so much power are in the hands of companies that can be counted on one hand. Net of the way they invoice (whether by selling products or by selling us as a product to advertisers). Just as monopolies and duopolies (like that of Android/Apple) are a huge problem.

What we can continue to do is offer you ethical alternatives, advising you to use, where and when possible, alternatives Open source and free. When this is not possible, always try companies other than the famous Big Tech ones (you won't be disappointed!), also trying to fragment the places where you keep your data as much as possible.

As you know we have found alternatives for everything that GAFAM offer: alternatives to Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft And Half.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives