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Warning: This post was created 2 years does

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Let's talk a little about today Google, even if indirectly. This will in fact be an article about AMP and how to get rid of it easily. Thanks to AmputatorBot in fact you can easily remove AMP from your URLs. Don't worry if you have a headache and think it's a complex article: as usual we will explain everything to you.

What are AMPs?

AMP it's a framework Open source 1 created and announced by Google in 2015. To put it even simpler: it is a structure invented by Google to speed up the loading of pages, especially mobile ones 2.

As often happens when we talk about Google, not everything is done for the good of the user and, over the years, several altars have emerged. Google he has in fact used all his power to Search engine predominant to give greater visibility to the pages AMP memorized. It means that if you search for something on Google the pages AMP they are rewarded more, beyond the contents, compared to normal pages even if they load just as quickly.


Screenshots of AmputatorBot

Now, the problem with AMP is mainly that you get bogged down in the Google ecosystem. AMP pages are indeed stored on Google servers effectively taking away sovereignty from the creators of the web pages, also creating an obvious privacy problem.

In fact, going to read about Google FAQ 3 We find that when you use Google's AMP viewer:

  • Google and the publisher who created the AMP page may collect data about you.

AMPs and Instant Views

And why AMPs are a problem unlike Instant View Of Telegram that do practically the same thing? The Instant View, for those who don't know, are those articles you find on Telegram with the words "⚡ Rapid Opening".

Beyond the differences between Google and Telegram it is evident that the Instant View of Telegram work only and exclusively on Telegram. They are part of its ecosystem and not trying to monopolize their content even if they are also uploaded to the Telegram servers.

Screenshots of AmputatorBot

The AMP, instead, they monopolize the link and give away visits, e.g especially data, to Google without you even knowing it.

Here, as always, we have tried to summarize the concept as much as possible to make it accessible to everyone. However, if the topic interests you, you could think about exploring it in more detail, for example reading the thread (link Teddit) on Reddit of the author of AmputatorBot.

The AMPs, Brave and DuckDuckGo

The fight against AMPs is in a period heat, in fact even i Browsers Brave 4 and DuckDuckGo 5 they decided to fight them. Both automatically remove AMPs from links easily and painlessly.

Oh obviously we don't use AMPs, as you may have noticed. Our pages are naturally fast thanks to a minification process and above all thanks to the fact of have no banners or statistics of any kind. In fact, when you enter our site you will only connect to our site (apart from a few articles where we have videos of PeerTube) and our pages are very fast too Google 67, even though they are without AMP.

  2. AMP on Wikipedia[]
  3. Quickly open pages with Google AMP Viewer[]
  4. De-AMP: Cutting Out Google and Enhancing Privacy[]
  5. DuckDuckGo's browsers and extensions now protect against AMP tracking[]
  6. LeAlternatives on PageSpeed Insights[]
  7. Le Alternative, internal page, on PageSpeed Insights[]

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives